6 ~ Chasing Your Team-Mate

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James dashed across the street, gritting his teeth to prevent tears. Or at least, that was the plan. Of course he was still the lackey! The joke! The CLOWN! Of course she wouldn't love him! She only let him into bed last night because she felt sorry for him! Of course...She just felt sorry for the pathetic lavender haired joker.

He ran faster, wanting to escape the embarrassment and shame. But more truthfully, trying to outrun the heartbreak. His lilac locks flew out behind him as he ran, anger and hurt surging through him like rapids. It wasn't fair. It was what he had expected, but it wasn't fair.

How would such an amazing woman like Jessie ever fall for a drama-queen, purple-haired, cry-baby fool? It just wouldn't happen. Of course it wouldn't.

"Ya blew it dis time, Jess," Meowth said anxiously.

"Me?! You asked me the question!" Jessie screamed, hitting Meowth over the head with a fishing pole.


"What am I doing, arguing with a mangy old Pokémon? I need to go after James!" Jessie cried, dashing off.

"Now it's not just James' feelings dat are hurt," Meowth sulked sourly.

Jessie crashed clumsily through the crowd, her exit no where near as elegant as James' escape had been.

"Sorry, excuse me! MOVE!" Jessie shoved through the bustling Alolan people with her sharp elbows, and finally managed to break through to the other side of the path, where the forest was. Presumably where James was to.

"James? James!" Jessie cried out as she ran into the forest in search of her secretly-beloved...Whom she may had broken the heart of. Guilt tasted sour in Jessie's palate, and knowing that she'd hurt James provided swimming-pools worth of guilt.

"James?! Come back!" Jessie yelled, spotting a flash of black and lilac speed through the trees.

James panted heavily, running out of both breath and energy. He could hear someone's footsteps chasing him close behind him.

"James!" Jessie's voice yelled.

Oh no. It was Jessie! She was the last person that he wanted to see; he was sure he'd loose it if he had to face Jessie. He pumped his arms and legs as hard as he could, racing away from a certain meltdown and Jessie as fast as he could. Unfortunately for James, the large roots of the many trees didn't want him to get away.

James cried out in horror as he went sprawling across the forest floor, painfully landing face first. He began to pick himself up, and then felt the sun get blocked out by something above him...Or someone. He felt two firm hands yank him fiercely off the ground.

Jessie. Jessie had caught him.

"Stay... Still," Jessie panted, exhausted from chasing James. James panted as he stood there, trapped, exhausted from running away from Jessie.

"You...Sure can...Run fast," James panted, collapsing against a tree in defeat. Finally catching his breath, James sighed. Jessie stood over James, glaring at him, angry at him for exhausting her. Though, to be fair to James, he probably didn't feel like talking to Jessie right at that moment. James' hands flew out in front of his face and he cringed away, expecting to be hit. But no blow was delivered. Cautiously, James opened his eyes and lowered his arms back down to his sides.

Jessie gasped at herself, appalled at herself; that was James and Meowth's standard response to her when she wasn't in the pink...A stab of guilt made her feel terrible; hitting her friends was terrible!

'Deal with one issue at a time! Tell James how you feel! Just do it!'

Jessie sat down beside James and placed her hand on top of James'. He snatched his hand away and turned away from Jessie, feeling rather angry. Slightly hurt, Jessie shuffled away a few spaces from James. She took a deep breath and then said,


James stood up, ignoring Jessie. Jessie jumped up and yelled, "James, don't you dare walk off on me!"

James whipped around, and immediately Jessie saw molten-hot fury in his eyes. He glared at her hotly, hands on his hips. James was fighting every urge to run away; his head was telling him he would pay for it later if he ran. Or at least, his poor bones would!

"What is it?" James growled, unable to remain calm any longer. His anger came straight out in his voice. He hadn't meant to sound angry, but he couldn't help it. He was angry. He was LIVID. But more so, he was upset. Upset and heartbroken. But he couldn't tell Jessie that, or she'd laugh at him some more. James lowered his eyes to the ground, glaring at the floor.

"James, I'm sorry!" Jessie cried, "I didn't mean what I said to Meowth! I didn't mean any of it!"

"It sure seemed like you did," James replied quietly, his anger fading away to reveal his hurt once more,  "I thought that I could trust Meowth to keep his big yap shut...Clearly that trust was misplaced."

"Oh, James, I'm sorry! I just couldn't admit anything to Meowth! You've seen yourself how he handles secrets! I-I was too scared to tell the truth!" She whimpered.

James was caught off guard to see tears forming in Jessie's eyes. She was...Was she crying?

James walked over and pulled Jessie into a tight hug. She rested her head on his shoulder and sobbed heavily, her fear expelling itself through her tear ducts.

"I was so scared! I was so worried that it was just some cruel trick that Meowth was pulling on me! I-I didn't think that you really liked me! I never imagined that you would ever fall in love with someone like me!" She balled.

James was taken aback by what he was hearing. Was she for real? Was she telling the truth?!

James gently pushed Jessie away, and held her out in front of him at shoulder's widths away from himself.

"Meowth isn't here now, and I'm not going to tell him anything. So...Please...Tell me truthfully, Jessie. How do you feel about me?"

A long silence followed, and James began to feel anxious. Why had he asked her?! Why did he bother? If it was taking her this long to answer surely he already knew the answer!

"James, I-"

"I...I understand," James cut her off. He let go off her shoulders and turned around, and began walking away.

"James, wait!" Jessie yelled.

James stopped in his tracks and turned around, wiping the few stray tears from his eyes.

"James, I like you. I do...I REALLY do! In fact...I think that I might even. Love you," Jessie replied, her voice trailing away.

James adopted a shocked expression, and then a wide grin crept over his face.

"Y-you mean it?" James stuttered, "Y-you're not just having a laugh?"

"I really mean it," Jessie replied firmly.

And the journey continues...

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