11 ~ Torn Between Tides

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The end of Team Rocket's third month on the Alola Islands was just arriving. It had been a splendidly three months, though filled with the always failing attempts to capture the twerp's Pikachu. Their normal routines were carried out as they usually were: work on the fishing stall, go after Pikachu, and relax.

James was starting to get used to the Alolan life, and despite falling back into old bad habits, he was enjoying himself. His days were never the same with Jessie at his side; all filled with love, but all a different story. There was never a dull moment with Jessie. There never really had been, even before they were dating, but even more so now.

It was a hot Alolan afternoon, and the trio were relaxing in their hotel bedroom; Jessie and James were huddling on the bed watching TV, and Meowth was sat at their feet, curled in a snoozing ball. The heat made them feel far too drowsy for catching Pikachu, and either way, they deserved a rest!

The curtains were drawn to try and block out some of the harsh sun-rays, offering the Team Rocket trio some shade. Jessie yawned, stretching. She rolled on her side and cuddled up to James, who was currently shirtless due to the tremendous heat. Jessie was wearing just her tank top and shorts, the remainder of her Team-Rocket uniform slung at the foot of the bed. James felt Jessie's magenta hair tickle his chest, and turned to face her with a warm smile.

"I love you," Jessie mumbled sleepily.

"I love you too," James chuckled, putting his arm around her and snuggling her close. Maybe it was just him, but James had never imagined that his dreams would come true with Team Rocket. But they had.

-------------------------------------------------- time passes ------------------------------------------------------------

Jessie and James were awoken in the early evening by a sharp ringing, coming from Jessie's mobile phone beside them. They both stirred, reluctantly sitting up. Jessie yawned loudly and reached for her phone. She slid out of bed and answered,


"Jessie, it's Giovanni!" their boss snapped on the other end of the line.

"G-good evening, Boss!" Jessie replied nervously, shooting an anxious look at an already anxious James.

"Jessie, I have a proposal for you. The Team Rocket Headquarters has located the whereabouts of Mewtwo," Giovanni answered, his tone evening out to calm, "I'd like to offer you a promotion...a place on the expedition team to capture it."

"A promotion...to capture Mewtwo?" Jessie replied in barely above a whisper, having difficulty processing the offer.

"Your skills and expertise are wasted with those buffoons, James and that big-mouthed Meowth! You belong with the better agents, doing important missions!"

"I could never leave my partners, Sir. They're my best friends," Jessie stuttered anxiously in reply.

"I see...It's a shame that Mimayoto's work will never be complete," Giovanni answered, his voice trailing off with deliberate disinterest.

"My mother's work..." Jessie said sadly, "My mother was going after that Pokemon...when the avalanche happened..." Tears built in her eyes with grief for her mother. 

James stood up and walked over to Jessie to comfort her, but was waved away by Jessie.

"Wouldn't you want your mother to be proud, Jessie?"

"O-of course I would!" Jessie cried tearfully.

"Leave your old team. You belong on this mission. Avenge Mimayoto," Giovanni replied, smirking behind the phone. He knew just which strings to pull - to manipulate his agents into doing whatever he wanted.


"Please, Jessie. You're the only one who has any reason to - and motivation means a fantastic outcome."

She looked helplessly at James and Meowth, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her heart was conflicted - torn between the two loves of her life: James...and her missing mother.

She covered the receiver with one hand and whispered, 

"I'm so sorry, James." She wiped her tears away and replied to Giovanni,

"I'll do it. I'll take the promotion."

"Fantastic. A Team Rocket helicopter will be there to pick you up in a couple of days. Be at the docks."

And with that, the phone call ended.

Jessie turned to James, shame faced and reluctant.

James just stood there, looking back at Jessie with a wounded feeling spreading through him like wildfire.


Jessie looked up at James, and felt a sharp stab of guilt at his expression.

"Please don't go," James whispered, his voice wavering.

"I'm sorry, James," more tears pooled and dripped down her face, "I have to. I...I have to do it for my mother."

"I-I...I...I understand," James' voice cracked and he turned away, clenching his jaw and shutting his eyes tightly.

Jessie rushed into his arms, crying out in anguish.

"I'm sorry!" she cried out, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay," James replied, hugging her tightly, "You have to. I understand that you have to." James secretly cursed his boss, Giovanni, for manipulating her like that; he knew exactly how to get what he wanted.

"I love you," James whispered, a tear sliding down his cheek, "I love you."

Jessie simply clung to her lavender-haired lover, unable to reply. Tears gushed like waterfalls down from her tear-ducts, guilt tearing through her.

This had been the worst day of their lives.

And the journey continues... 

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