Owen! Carter! Me! Reunion

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Addison's P.O.V.

The car is coming to a stop since we are out of gas. Right now we are racing against time because the zombies are on our tails. We hop out of the truck and grab the last couple guns and knifes we have along with our food. We see the horde of zombies and start to run. We keep running and running. We then spot a car that's high up. We climb on top of it. We then see Owen stuck on a piece of wood Carter turns to look at me.
"Addison I'll save him. I love you." Carter tells me.
"But you'll turn." I cry.
"I'm already bitten." He says pulling up his sleeve and unwrapping the bandage. It was all purple.
"Carter I can't live without you!" I cry out in pain.
"You'll find a way Add." He tells me and kisses me. He then jumps off of the car and runs toward the horde. He grabs Owen and runs back to me. He helps Owen up onto the car. But as he starts to climb the zombies grab him and pull him down.
"Nooo! Carter. Please. Don't." I cry falling to my knees.
"Shoot me." Carter screams in pain. I grab my gun my hands shaking uncontrollably. I aim at him and steady my hands for a second.
"I love you." I tell him.
"Love you too." He response as he closes his eyes. I aim again and pull the trigger.
I set the gun down and grab Owen. I hug him tight. I the accidentally hit my gun off of the car and Owen tries to catch it but the zombies catch him.
"Owen no! Nooo! No!" I yell, he can't. I grab his hand but the zombies pull him in. I grab my knife.
"Owen close your eyes and when you go, find Carter, Mom, and Dad. I'll be there soon." I tell Owen. He then closes his eyes and I throw the knife hitting him perfectly in the head and killing him. I sit down on the car. I then lay down. This is my grave, my final resting place. What I will remember last is the sounds of zombie moans and the screams. Of people I couldn't protect. I want to die now.
I've lost everything and I only earned sorrows. I start to cry the tears rolling down. I lay here for what seems like hours and I finally sit up and wipe the tears away with my sleeve. Carter wouldn't want me to die this way. I needed to survive for him. So I grab a gun out of the bag and pull out all of the rounds. I grab the bag and put it back on as I stand up. I look at the zombies as I start to load the gun. Once it's loaded I take it and start shooting zombies.
"You are all going to die. You've taken everything. So your. Gonna. Pay!" I screamed at the long horde. I hold the trigger down so it's atomic fire. I shoot and kill the zombies them falling down three in a second. I do this until I'm out of guns. Once I'm out I take the knifes and chuck them into the zombies. I leave two knifes to the side and I take out my crossbow. I load it and jump,off of the car. I grab the two knife and take the crossbow first. I shoot all my arrows, leaving me with only two knifes. I put my hoodie over my head and pull my sleeves down I then run and kill the zombies in the heads with the knifes. After I get a good chuck dead I go back to the car. I'm done. So done. The anger has poured out of me as fast as it was put inside me. I wanted the zombies to kill me. I then felt this burning feeling and I lift up my sleeve. I see the zombie bite and grab my knife. I slide down the cars side. I take the knife and put it near my head.
The zombies are getting closer and closer. I start to push on the knife and I feel a metal burn. It was so painful. But it was quick.

I asked to be forgiven for all the wrongs I ever did and the wrong I just did. But I didn't want to be a problem for others. It's as if I could see myself leaving my own body. I could also see Owens and Carters bodies. For some reason I couldn't cry. I felt as if I was so happy and relieved. I end up at these enormous gates and they open. I walk in to see my mom and Dad. I run over and hug the with the strongest feeling of love and relief. Owen came up running behind them. I shrugged out of their brace and went over to Owen. I got down on my knees and hugged him.
"Are you alright?" I ask him.
"I'm fine Addy." He says as I kiss his forehead.
"Where's Owen?" I ask worried.
"I don't know." Owen responds. I get up and run up the stairs. I then approach a crowed street.
"Carter! Carter!" I scream for him. I want to cry but I couldn't.
"Addison! Addison!" I hear a faint voice say. I start to run towards it.
"Carter! Carter!" I scream.
"Addison! Addison!" He cried.
"Carter! Car—" I say crying in relief as I ran into his embrace.
"Addison." Carter says as he feels me. He hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead.
"Carter." I say as I rub my head into his chest. After a few minutes I look up to kiss him. This is my happy ending. No pain. Only happiness.
Being The Last One Alive

I hear my thoughts so easily.
No peep to be heard.
I hear silence,
But I also hear the screams of people in my head.
I've lost everything.
My family, My Heart, My friends, and Him.
The silence kills me from the inside out.
The one sound,
Almost visible,
Is the sounds of their groans.
The Earth is silent,
To silent,
It makes me want to die.
The once beautiful world,
The sights,
The sounds,
The animals,
The wolves,
I can hear my tears dropping,
At a slow tempo.
My world is crumbling,
Too fast,
It's hurts.
I fall to my knees,
And lay down.
Let them eat me,
Let me die.
All I am is gone.
I am hurt and lost.
Broken and confused,
From the world full of noisy silence

Authors note:
Thank you guys for reading this series! It was very fun to write and I'm happy that the last chapter is complete for you guys. Thank you for all the support and great feed back!
-love GirlyGamerForever3

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