What the heck happened?

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"Ahhhh!" I scream waking up from a nightmare. I see Carter driving and it's about 7:00pm.
"Shhhh Addison it's only a nightmare." Carter reassures me.
"What happened? Why dose my head hurt? Why are you driving?" I ask.
"One Ash was hurting you at the Cvs. I heard you screaming and I asked Hannah to go see why was happening. So she went in and saw what he was doing to you. So she punched him and you went into the metal shelf and you blacked out. Two I'm driving because Hannah has to watch Ash. He's tied up though." Carter tells me.
"Are we going to pull over soon?" I ask.
"Well we are right... now." Carter says and pulls over under a tree.
"Everybody is sleeping out there in sleeping bags. You and me will rest in here." Carter informs me.
"Oh ok." I say. Carter comes near me and we sit near each other. He puts his feet on the dashboard. I scotch over next to him and I lay my head on his chest. I can feel his heart beating a beautiful beat.
"Carter I need to tell you something." I say.
"What is that Addison?" Carter asks.
"I love you and I should of believed you, not him." I say.
"Its alright. I know that you love me." Carter says. I look up to him and he looks down at me. I put my hand on his forehead. Oh god he is hot as hell!
"Carter did you take any of the medicine?" I ask.
"Nooo,.." Carter responds.
"Oh no!" I say as I shoot straight up. I open the door and hop out.
Ash sees me and says "hey addy, come lay with me."
"Why would I do that?" I ask.
"Because you love me." Ash tells me.
"I have more important things to do then to argue with you." I tell him.
"Add, is something wrong?" Owen asks. I don't want to scare him.
"Everything is fine Owen." I say as I run to the back of the car and I grab the backpack I filled with stuff. I go to the front of the truck and I open the door. I hop in and slam the door really quickly.
"My ears!" Carter screams.
"Oh Carter I'm so sorry!" I tell him as I pull on the Tylenol and fever medicine out. I grab two pills from each. I look to se if they have drinks out side but they don't. Wait I have the water bottle in my backpack so I grab it out.
"Here take these." I tell him as I give him the pills and water. He swallows each one down. I feel his head and the fever gives him relief instantly. They both do acutely.
"You feel so much cooler." I say.
"I feel so much better." Carter tells me. I sit down normally now that I'm calming down. I open the backpack and I find the beers I put in here. I pull one out.
"Hey what's that?" Carter asks.
"Oh just a beer." I say.
"You can have one ok." Carter says.
"Your not my dad." I say.
"Well your keeping me alive so I'm going to keep you alive." Carter tells me.
"Well your doing a great job, Cart." I say as I put my lips on his and I kiss him. I drink a couple sips of the beer and I set it down. I lay my head down on his chest again and I fall asleep listening to his heart beat. I wake up the next morning and I see Ash untied with a gun to Carters head.
I jump out of the truck.
"Ash Nooo!!" I yell. But he doesn't listen and he pulls the trigger.
"Nooo!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I fall to the ground and I cry.
I wake up for real this time screaming. Carter wakes up too.
"Another nightmare?" He asks me.
"Y-yes." I get out horrified.
"Tell me all abo---" Carter try's to say but I cut him off.
"Shhh..." I say.
"What?" Carter asks.
"No really shh..." I say.
"Oh no! Wait here!" I kind of yell at him.
"Ok." Carter says. I hop out of the car and I see a heard of zombies coming at us. I run over to everyone.
"Guys wake up we're being surrounded by zombies!" I yell. Everyone wakes up.
"Alright let's go." Hannah says.
"Hey can you untie me addy? I won't try what I did I promise." He says.
"Ugh... fine." I say. I untie him. Everyone grabs a gun. We all shoot at the zombies. We kill most of them. But then Carter hops out of the car.
"Carter get in the car!" I yell at him.
"No im going to help." He says as he runs and grabs a gun. He shoots at the zombies. Then all of a sudden Ash came out of no where and pushed Carter into the zombies.
"Carter!" I yell. Carter jumps up and hits Ash into the zombies. Carter takes his gun and points it at Ash. I know Carter wouldn't shoot him. But the a zombie came behind Ash and bit him.
"I'm sorry... Ash. But I wasn't going, going to let you hurt her again!" Carter yells at him. All the zombies pull him in and start eating him.
"Everyone in the truck!" I yell. Owen, William, and Jaxon jump in the back with Hannah. Carter jumps in the front. And I jump into the driver seat and I start up the truck. I hit the gas so hard it made the car jump up.
I've been driving now for about 6 hours and it's eight everyone is asleep accept me, because I'm driving. Anyways I can't sleep not without laying on Carter. He's my last friend in this world. He is more then a friend to me. He wakes up and looks at me.
"Hey have you slept at all?" Carter asks.
"No." I say.
"You should. Pull over I can drive." Carter says.
"No. I can't sleep." I say.
"You need to." Carter tells me.
"No." I say.
"Fine Hannah will drive you and me can go in the back." Carter tells me.
"Alright." I say pulling over. I park the car. Me and Carter hop out.
"Hannah can you drive?" Carter asks.
"Sure." Hannah says as she gets into the drivers seat.
"William, Jaxon, and Owen do you want to sit in the front?" Carter asks them all.
"Sure. that be AWSOME! Coolieos!" Jaxon, Owen, and William agree as they hop out of the back and into the front.
"Here let me help you up." Carter offers me.
"Hey am I the one who is suppose to be helping you?" I ask.
"Yah but why not." He asks as he helps me up then I pull him up. There is a mattress in the trunk bed. So he lays down on it. I lay down next to him and I lay my head on his chest. He pulls a blanket up over us.
"Shhh... go to sleep, my little Addy." He says as he kisses my forehead. As I fall asleep I listen to his heart beat. For some reason it always puts me to sleep. It's a special heart beat. As I sleep I wish that Carter was my first kiss. Not Ash, who was crazy. But I dream peacefully and I sleep listening and feeling his heart beat. His special heart beat.

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