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"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Owen kept asking.
"30 more minutes Owen. Look for the top of the mountain peek!" I say.
"Okie!!" William says. We drive five more minutes until Jaxon sees the top of the mountain which meant that we were 10 minutes away from Disneyland.
"Guys are you excited for Disneyland!" Owen asks Jaxon and William.
"Yesssssss!!" William says.
"Yah." Jaxon replies.
"I'm so excited." Owen responses.
"Carter, it's so cute how they get along. Its like me and you." Hannah says.
"What about Addison?" Carter asks.
"Ugh her. Gosh, you shouldn't be in love with her. I'm your girlfriend. Anyways she likes Ash, not you." Hannah says.
"But what if she's torn between us?" Carter asks.
"Carter it doesn't matter! I'm the prettiest girl and coolest and everything better than her." Hannah says.
"But, I li--" Carter gets cut off as Hannah kisses him. I hate it when I see them kiss. Wait, why would I be jealous, I know Ash likes me. Ugh whatever. I need to quit thinking.
"Hey, Addison I need to let you know something." Ash says tapping me on the shoulder.
"Wh--" I try to say but I get cut off by Carter saying "We're here!!"
"Yay yay yay!" Owen, William, and Jaxon chant. Carter parks the truck and we all hop out of the truck.We all walk into the park. But we forgot about the tall fence.
"How are we suppose to get over that?" Jaxon asks.
"I have an idea! I can stay down here and lift one of you guys up at a time." Carter says.
"Grea--" I get cut off when Hannah says "Oh Carter what a great idea."
"Thanks, I guess." Carter says.
"Who can climb the fence?" Carter asks. The first hand that shoots up is Ash's. He's such a gentleman.
"I can climb up really quick." Ash says.
"Alright. Show off." Carter mumbles. Ash climbs over the fence with ease.
"Ready?" Carter asks.
"Ready!" Ash says.
"Addison your up fir--" Hannah cuts Carter off.
"Thank you Cartery-poo." Hannah says as she gets ready for him to pick her up. As she is about to jump down into Ash's arms she looks at me and gives me a dirty look and jumps into Ash's arms.
"Thank you Ash for catching me!" Hannah says. Real smooth I think.
"I was forced to." Ash says.
"Come on Addison your up next." Carter says.
"Hey Carter let me help you instead." I say.
"Ok Addison. Then William your up." Carter says.
"Okie." William says as I help him up onto Carter. Then Carter pushes him up to the top of the fence.
"I-I do-don't want to j-jump d-down." William says horrified.
"Come on William jump down I'll catch you!" Ash yells.
"Ya William you can do it!" I yell.
"Go William! Go William!" Jaxon and Owen chant.
"William you can jump. It isn't that bad, trust me." Carter says. After William hears what Carter said he jumps down into Ash's arms.
"Good William." I say.
"Ok Owen your next." Carter says.
"Coming." Owen says as I push him up onto Carter. Then Carter pushes him up to the top fence. Then Owen jumps down like a professional.
"Wow that was amazing Owen. How could you do that?" I hear William ask.
"It wasn't high for me, that's all." Owen responds
"Jax--" Carter gets cut off again but this time by me.
"Carter we have company!" I yell-whisper.
"Alright Jaxon, than you, than I'll get up." Carter says. Jaxon shock his head in reply. So then I push him up onto Carter and Carter pushes him to the top of the fence. Then Jaxon jumps off with ease. Then it was my turn so I lift myself onto Carter and he pushed me to the top of the fence. I didn't jump off.
"Addison jump off!" Ash says.
"No I'm going to help Carter up and in." I say.
Carter starts to climb up. Mid way he loses grip and I grab his hand. At this point there is a full crowd of zombies under him and me.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Ready." Carter says. So I pulled him up to the top of the fence. He jumps down like an angel. Gosh he looked so graceful when he jumped. I would date him as my second choice. After he was done I jumped down perfectly.
"Ok let's go in to the park now." I say.
Everyone agrees excitedly. We all walk into the main park of DisneyLand. While we are walking I think about stuff.
'I'm so torn between Carter and Ash. Wait you just need Carter to be your guy friend. You need Ash to be your boyfriend. Wait what if it's the other way around oh n--'
ash comes up to me and asks "what's on your mind pretty?"
"Oh nothing." I say.
"Let me guess you were thinking about how torn you were between me and Carter." Ash guesses.
"Ya your right." I say.
"Here I'll make it simple." Ash says.
"How can you do that?" I ask.
"By telling you this, Addison. You see Carter may have said I was a 'bad guy' and that I made 'girls hurt'. Well I don't, he dose that. All he was doing was trying to blame me." Ash tells me. I gasp in shock.
"I know this is all shocking and everything so I'll ask you one thing will you be my girlfriend? You don't have to respond right now. It's fine." Ash tells me.
"O-ok." I reply.
"Catch up with you later." Ash says then runs up to the rest of the group.
'Oh my god did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? Also how did I not know about Carter being a jerk! Ugh I need to take the lead of the group.' I think. So I run up to the front of the group.
"So where should we go first guys?" I ask everyone.
"Finding nemo's." William says.
"Ya. Let's do that!" Owen and Jaxon agree with William.
"I hate that ride how about we do Space Mountain." Hannah says irritated.
"I would like to go on Pirates of the Caribbean." Ash says. Carter doesn't say anything.
"Well how about we go on finding nemo first then space mountain and then pirates?" I ask everyone.
"Ya." Everyone agrees accept Hannah.
"Alright finding nemo it is." I say. So we all start walking over to finding nemo.
"Hey Ash can you take the lead? Keep an eye out for zombies ok?" I ask Ash.
"Alright, oh and Addison what do you think about earlier." Ash asks me. Then I remember what he asked me earlier.
"Ya sure I'll be your girlfriend." I say. I look back and I see Carter he looks a lot sadder then before. I hope he didn't hear me and Ash! Oh no. Wait Addison, Carter is a lier and you don't really need to confront him. But as a friend I should.
"Oh good. You two are a thing now? If so good and Addison stay away from Carter." Hannah says.
"Ya whatever." I say as I walk over to Carter.
"Hey Ad--" Carter says as I cut him off.
"Why did you lie to me! I thought we were friends! I guess you lied about that too. You didn't even like me you just wanted to break me! I Hate You!" I yell at Carter and I push him.
"What do you mean?" Carter asks acting confused.
"You know what I mean. Ash told me everything, how could you?" I say as I start to cry.
"What did he---" Carter says as we notice everyone looking at us.
"Addison I told you to stay away from my Cartery-poo!" Hannah yells at me.
"Add come here babe." Ash says to me. I start to walk over to him.
"Wait you two are a thing?" Carter asks.
"Ummm." I say nervously as Ash raps me in his arms.
"We are, Carter. Do you have a problem with it?" Ash asks irritated.
"Ya I do Ash, you lier your the one that hurts girls and I don't want Addison to get hurt! She's my best friend and I'll look out for her!" Carter yells at Ash. I've only heard him yell when he is protecting me.
"What dose he mean Ash?" I ask confused.
"Go ahead and tell her, Ash." Carter says.
"He's just say stuff." Ash says.
"Just say the truth!" Carter yells.
"God Carter, you like her way to much! You werewolf stay away from her!" Ash yells at Carter.
"Fine let's go buddy!" Carter yells as he's running at Ash. Carter hits Ash in the stomach. Then Ash punches Carter in the face. Carters nose starts to bleed. So Carter hits Ash in the jaw and I hear a crack. They keep fighting and punching and I was sick of it. So I ran off crying and I never cry. I think they may of stopped when I ran off but I don't know. So I run off to the FantasyLand. Once I stop I look behind me. No one is following me accept Owen.
"Hey addy." He says.
"Hey." I say as I grab him and I sit him on my shoulders.
"Hold on monkey." I say.
"Ok addy." Owen says. I start to climb up the wall then I get to the top of the entrance of FantasyLand. I sit down on the bridge and Owen climbs off of my shoulders.
"Did you see if they stopped fighting?" I ask.
"I think they did. But Carter got the worse of it." Owen says.
"Oh no!" I say.
"They will come look for us soon." Owen says. I start crying.
"I hurt Carter. This is all my fault!" I say.
I see Ash turn the corner and I see he is looking for us so we hide then he keeps going.
"I need to get back to Carter." I say.
"You two really like each other." Owen says.
"But this whole situation is going to get one of them killed." I say as Owen grabs on to my body and holds on.
"Don't worry it will get resolved soon." Owen says as I climb down. I get to the floor and Owen gets off.
"Come on let's go." I say as me and Owen take off running back to Carter. I see Carter on the ground and a bunch of zombies near him.
"Nooo! Carter." I yell. He looks at me but he's in pain. I see they left him with a gun so I grab it. I shoot most of the zombies.
"Did they leave you with a radio?" I ask.
"Ya only to respond if I saw you but Ash he." Carter try's to finish the sentence but grunts in pain. Then he continues. "He basically left me here to get eaten."
"Where is Hannah?" I ask.
"She ran off to find you because if she did I told her I would stay with her." Carter says.
"Addy we better get to the car before the zombies come!" Owen tells me.
"Come on Carter let me help you up." I say as I pick him up. We start to walk as fast as we could.
"We're going to get no where. Here take this gun watch Owen I'll be back. Oh and radio the others." I say.
"O-ok My ad-Addison." Carter gets out but is in horrible pain.
"Ok." I say as I run to the front gates. I see a bunch of zombies and I have a idea! So I climb into the Disney gauge. I see the pick up truck and I run to it. I check and count all the guns they are all here. I grab one of the guns and start up the car. I drive it to the back of the garage and then I ram it into the wall. I break it and the car goes flying into the park. I drive it all the way to Carter and I stop it right by Carter. I hope out and go to Carter. I see him laying there on Owens lap.
"Carter wake up! Come on wake up!" Owen is yelling as he try's to wake him up.
"Carter! Carter! Wake up, Carter! Please." I say horrified of losing him. I slap him and he doesn't respond so I start doing CPR. Then I have to do mouth to mouth. After the fifth time I almost gave up but he started breathing. So I start crying clutching on to his shirt.
"What's wrong Addison?" Carter asks.
"I thought I lost my best friend." I say.
"Oh, well I'm here now." Carter says. I laugh to his response.
"So did you radio everyone?" I ask.
"Yes I did." Carter says.
"Ok. Well this may hurt a little." I say as I lift Carter up onto the truck bed. I moved all the weapons to the back of the car. I lay Carter down and I start to fix him up.

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