Chapter 2- Debriefing

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~Mona Lisa~

"So, Mona Lisa, who do you think you're gonna have to take out next?" Chae-Won asks, and I shrug.

"You know, I've given up trying to guess anymore. Who could have guessed that I was gonna take out Sean Connell? Honestly, it's not even worth it to try and guess," I tell her, and she laughs.

"True. I've also just learned to expect the unexpected. Do you know how many times I've had to do something unpredictable to get away from cops and shit? Let me say, Mona Lisa, you are honestly the easiest person to rendezvous with. You don't make mistakes and get busted," Chae-Won says.

"Yeah, but maybe I should. Just to shake things up. Besides, what fun is easy?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"That's true enough. Remember the one time I had to hijack a firetruck to get away?" she remembers, and I start to laugh.

"And you called me, even though I was on a mission at the time, and asked me to call 9-1-1 with a fake fire?"

"Fake fire?? Mona Lisa, you set a real fire!"

"I had to make it believable!" Chae-Won bursts out laughing at the memory. "But hey, I got my mission completed, and I got to come back with you and Scott."

"That was an adventure. I'm telling you, Scott has his eye on you. Most of the other assassins do, really. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone at the goddamn compound has their eye on either you or me. Why do you think that is?"

"Okay, first of all, Keaton Scott having his eye on me? Impossible. He doesn't exactly...throw his dagger that way, if you know what I mean."

"Wait, Scott's gay? How the hell do you know that?"

"Well, Chae-Won, it's really easy when you listen. That, and my apartment is right above Scott's, and things get loud down there on Friday nights, and let me tell you, those screams are not female," I answer, and she cringes.

"Ack, I didn't want to know that much!"

"You think I want to know that much? I barely get any sleep when he brings his male company over, and he's the one that's not supposed to get any sleep! And the reason everyone else has their eye on us is that even though we are young, we're the only girls around." I explain, and she nods her head.

"Yeah, but if they try to come onto me... well..." she smirks, and I smile. She may be a tiny little thing, but she's got so much fire in her that I even I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. "Besides, you should get back at Scott for putting you through all of that by bringing over some male company of your own, you know what I mean?" She looks over, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Get your eyes on the road, woman! Besides, I'm not like that. You know how bad that ended up the last time."

"Yeah, yeah, you were practically raped, but you couldn't even get him in trouble because you had consented to it in the beginning, which I still don't understand how that worked," she says, and I sigh.

"Basically, yes, I had consented to it, but then he started to go way too fast and rough for my liking, considering it was my first time. I asked him to stop, but he didn't. In fact, I think he started to go faster. It was terrible. He was only focused on his own satisfaction and could care less about me," I explained, and she growled. I swear to God that I heard an actual growl come from her little body.

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