Chapter 7- Fire

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*Warning: This chapter gets a little heated at one point.

~Mona Lisa~

"Damn it, woman, you torture me."

"That's what I was going for," I respond, and he gives me a look that makes my insides turn to mush. If anyone catches me staring, it's because I'm actually trying to find a flaw on this man's face. There just isn't one there. How can he be so charming? It just isn't fair. Us ladies (and let's be honest, a good chunk of men) just don't stand a chance. Not one SINGLE iota of a chance. He takes my hand and leads me to the bar, getting another drink and we choose an empty table to sit at.

"Mona, how old are you?" he asks suddenly.

"What does age matter to someone who's immortal?" I ask back, and he shrugs.

"That's true enough. Age doesn't really matter to me...after a certain point."

"After a certain point?" I wonder.

"Obviously whoever I'm with has to be at least eighteen. After that, I could care less, but I'm not going to mess around with a minor," he clarifies. Well, that's good to know. "So, let me ask you again. How old are you?"


"Really? Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be sure about-?" That's when I noticed he was looking at the drink in my hand. Fuck. I'm so busted.

"Naughty girl, Mona, using a fake ID to get some alcohol," he says, clacking his tongue.

"You're not gonna tell anyone, are you?"

"Nah. I did the same thing when I was nineteen. We're all good!" he answers, giving me a thumbs up. I smile at his foolishness before taking another sip of my drink. God, this dude's bartender makes amazing screwdrivers. I tell Brendon to tell the bartender so, and he laughs. Apparently the bartender already knows he's amazing and Brendon doesn't think I should feed his ego. I'm pretty sure Brendon is the one that doesn't need anything feeding his ego, but I'm not gonna tell him that. I think he would try to act like I crushed his soul if I did that. Wait, does he have a soul? I finish my drink and go to ask him about his soul when the music changes to a song I know well, and Brendon smiles. He takes my hand and without asking, drags me out to the dance floor, which is okay by me because if he didn't drag me, I would've dragged him.

Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us, all my friends we're glorious, tonight we are victorious.

As soon as we were out on the dance floor, I started to dance as I had before, just trying to get his attention. Trying to get him to look at me with that look he gave me earlier. At first, he just watches me dance, but I can tell he likes watching me. When I look over at him and see him biting his lip, I can almost see all the dirty thoughts racing through his head. At that point, I let go. I told Chae-Won that I wouldn't ever fuck and kill, but at this point, if given the opportunity, I don't think I could hold myself back. If I'm given the opportunity, I don't think I could stop myself from jumping this man's bones, and to be honest, I have a feeling he's thinking the same way about me, and that's exhilarating. Finally, about at the end of the first verse, Brendon gets tired of just watching me dance, and he finally joins me in dancing. As he dances with me, one hand runs up my arm before resting on my shoulder, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. He smiles when he sees the goosebumps.

"Do my eyes deceive me, Mona, or are you getting a little excited at my touch?" he wonders. "Because there are a lot more exciting places I could touch you." Damn. I shiver a little bit at the tone of his voice and right then is when he knows he's got me hook, line, and sinker. At the end of the first chorus, his hand had moved from my shoulder to my neck before descending down my back, goosebumps forming everywhere he touches my skin. Is it getting hotter in here or is it just me? We continue to dance like that for a little bit, one hand on my waist, one running up and down my back, a slower dance than what I feel the music calls for. I want to move but he's got me trapped in this mock slow dance. He's enjoying how much he's getting me to squirm by holding me back. Finally, though, I've had enough and I break out of his grasp, finally letting my body move the way it wants to, singing along with the music.

The Ballad of Mona Lisa {ON HOLD}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz