And then come and ease the pain

Start from the beginning

"Please tell me you're joking." Bobby rubs Maura's back trying to comfort her.

"H-he broke up with me... I.. it's," Niall couldn't form a sentence without breaking down, he didn't want to cry in front of them. So he stopped talking and only looked down at his lap.

"Why would he breakup with you? That doesn't make sense, he loved you so much. He asked us for your han—"

"Maura, let Niall explain." Bobby looks at his son who seemed like he was lost in his own thoughts.

"You two were perfect for each other." Maura sniffles.

"He was following his dreams." Niall almost chokes out, he needed fresh air.

"What do you mean?"

Niall was thankful for the knock on his door, he was fast to excuse himself to go open the door. He swings the door open thinking maybe it was the pizza or someone else but when he sees Harry standing there he almost cries out. No, he can't be here.

"Hey," Harry smiles.

"Hi, uh what are you doing here?" Niall frowns.

"Brought you some food, Chinese, your favorite." He holds the bag up to let Niall see.

"You can't be here, this is not the right time. I'm sorry." Niall steps back ready to shut the door but Harry stops him.

"What's wrong?" Harry was taken aback and slightly hurt but ignores that feeling.

"It's just not the right timing," Niall shuts the door, he starts walking back to his parents. He stops in the middle of the hallway feeling like utter shit for shutting the door on Harry. He turns around and runs out of his flat to get Harry. He was relieved when he sees Harry about to walk into the lift.

"Harry!" Niall yells.

"I was leaving, don't worry." He turns to look at him, almost losing his balance when Niall crashes into him, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, please don't leave." Niall buries his face on his chest.

"I won't." He hugs him back tightly making sure he didn't drop the bag of food.

"My parents, they came to visit. I just told them about Corey breaking up with me and well I don't think they're taking it well, I feel so bad because my mam even cried. They fucking love him—"

"Gorgeous, breathe. It'll be okay. They were probably not expecting that but I'm sure after they let it sink in, they'll be fine." He kisses the top of his head.

"You're right. Thank you." Niall looks up at him and smiles. Grateful to have him here with him.

Harry looks down at him and almost leans in to kiss his lips but decides against it since he wasn't sure how Niall would react, he kisses his forehead instead.

"Come meet my parents." Niall pulls away, reaching for Harry's hand.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks warily.

"You'll eventually meet them, so why not now?" He pulls him towards his flat, letting go of his hand when he shuts the door.

"Is the pizza here?" Bobby asks, looking up to see Niall and a tall lad walking behind him with a blush on his cheeks.

"No not yet," He shakes his head.

"Who's he?" Bobby raises his brow.

"I'm Harry Styles, sir. Niall's boy- mate." Harry feels his cheeks heating up, he steps closer and sticks his hand out for him to shake.

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