Chapter 14 - Olivia

Start from the beginning

Then she slid her fingers inside me, thrusting deep and hard. Fast and curling her fingers. I cried out turned my face to Abby's neck. Abby kept one arm around my waist as I thrust into her, matching the rhythm of my rolling hips. I was making breathy noises that Abby seemed to recognize because she slowed down and started to giggle. This fucking tease. I'll show her. I tried to push Abby away so I could turn her around and press her against the shower wall but she stopped me, she may be tiny but she is mighty.

"No way," she breathed into a kiss.

She wouldn't budge, instead, she thrust a third finger and quickened the pace of her thrusts while she pinched my clit with her other hand. My back arched. I begged, "Abby," with a groan that rocketed straight to throbbing between my legs. My body molded itself around Abby's fingers and I shuddered as I spilled deliciously into bliss. Abby kissed my shoulder and each time my body convulsed with it from the waves of pleasure.

"Fuck..." I laughed.

"Mmm...pass the soap," Abby whispered in my ear with a smile.

We finished our shower and the room service arrived right on time. We ate like we had just run a marathon.

"Do you have to dip your chicken tenders in every. Single. Sauce? You're the definition of a double dipper," Abby said staring at my plate of sauces.

"I wanna taste them all...what???"

I waved my chicken tender in her face and she shrieked in disgust. She let out a full belly laugh and my heart swelled and I swear there were hearts in my eyes and butterflies trying to fly out of my throat.

"I need to get my clothes from my room."

"Or you can bring all your stuff back into my room, munch."



"Okay." she smiled.

"Hurry because I have something I want to talk to you about!"

Abby left to pack up her stuff in her room to bring back into mine, it's going to be so nice falling asleep in her arms, even more so now. I'm ecstatic! I picked up my phone and texted a group chat on my phone, I was making arrangements for Abby and I to go out for dinner tonight, somewhere nice. I realized she confessed her feelings to me and I didn't say anything back.

I walked up to the mirror in the bathroom to check the damage Abby left on my neck while we were in the shower. There isn't enough concealer in the world to cover this shit up. I laughed to myself because on my neck was an A shaped hickey. She's gotta be kidding me.


"Where are we going?" Abby was squirming and fidgeting with her dress as we waited for the elevator. Tiny and Mac were quietly behind us waiting as well.

"It's a surprise! Stop messing with your dress! You look beautiful!"


So you guys made up, huh?


Yeah hahah


Thank god because shit was intense and I was about to leave because I don't need that negativity in my life.


We made up...and then some.





I'll tell you later, we're going to dinner.


Bitch, we had dinner plans with the rest of the crew! HELLO! Are you standing us up for your new girlfriend??


Yeah, but I'll have tea for you in return so it'll be worth it! Don't say anything to anyone else just yet please. Except maybe Angie.


What do you want me to tell them?


Tell em that Abby and I had last minute plans or something.



"Oh my god! Where are we? This place is beautiful!"

"It's called Bestial, you like it?"

"It's beautiful! We're practically on top of the water!"

"I heard the food is supposed to be fantastic!"

We ate our dinner, we laughed so hard. Things felt like they used to except better! I reached for her hand across the table and held her hand.

"Listen, you poured your heart out to me earlier and I said nothing in know me. You know I like to have the last word so I want you to know..." I took a deep breath.

"I've had feelings for you from the moment I heard you sing over ten years ago..." I strayed from the word "love."

"...I didn't realize it for so long until I needed you, I didn't just want you with me, I needed you. It was a million little things about you and me that when I added it all up, it meant we were supposed to be together. I knew it from the very first time I held your hand. It was like coming home..except it's a home I'd never known. It was like playing the piano for the first time. Like the first time I ever performed in front of a crowd. Or hitting a note I've never been able to hit before. It's like breathing fresh air for the first time. It was like magic."

She leaned over the table and kissed me and I felt my heart skip a beat.


We were walking down the hall of the hotel room towards our room and Abby stopped. I stopped talking and turned around and she walked up to me and linked her fingers with mine and she led me into our room, hand in hand. "Thanks for opening the door this morning, babe," she said as the door closed. We made magic again that night. Then again. And again. I hope I have the energy to do the first show tomorrow.

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