Wolf Blood: Training

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Once we got into our room I hopped off, even though Kate's wolf growled, and locked all the locks on the door.

Kate then shifted as she walked into the closet, knowing that I could still see just a bit of her before she disappeared from view.

I walked towards the window and looked out before closing and locking it. Kate literally won't let anything be open in here. It's practically a fortress.

"What are you thinking about?" Kate asked from behind me.

I turned around to see her still putting her shirt on. I know she is teasing me, but two can play this game.

"Luka?" She smirked at me as she slowly walked in my direction.

"I'm thinking about how this room is a fortress." I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair.

"I know, but it's the only way I can protect my family." Kate gave me a sad yet reassuring smile as she put her hand on my stomach, but got her hand kicked. "Do they hate me or something?" She laughed and I laughed with her.

"They don't like it when you hide things from me." I shrugged before kissing her cheek and going into the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"To take a bath, because this whole back pain thing isn't fun." My back is killing me honestly. Pups aren't as light as human babies. They're about fifteen pound on average and I've got two in me. Lucky me.

"Here, you sit down and I'll get it running for you." Kate ran past me and went into the bathroom before I could.

"I can do it myself you know?" I giggled a little as she slid around the corner with her socks... well attempted to slide but fell flat on her ass.

"I totally meant to do that." She tried to convince me, but I was laughing my ass off. "Here I am trying to be a good mate and you laugh at me." She spoke in a fake hurt tone.

"I'm not the one who slid in their socks, trying to be all slick." I continued to laugh before sitting on the bathroom counter as she got the bath going.

"Yeah yeah yeah." She chuckled lightly.

"Thank you for running the bath for me though. It isn't easy to bend down with a stomach in the way."

"Let me know if you need anything else." She kissed my cheek before starting to walk out.

"Can you help me get undressed?" I internally smirked as she froze in the doorway.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered out before turning back to me and helping me off the counter.

"Thank you." I kissed her cheek and she nodded slowly. She knew that it was going to be hard to keep her hands to herself.

"N-no problem." She laughed nervously as she began to take my shirt off, but looked behind me so she didn't get carried away. I am going to win this game. She then helped me out of my shirt arm by arm with a more tame look on her face. A loving and caring look.

She helped me with my pants before helping me get my bra and underwear off before kissing my forehead and leading me to the tub.

She held my hand as I stepped in to keep me steady and didn't let go till I was comfortable.

"I love you." Kate gave me a genuine smile, not a smirk, but a true smile.

"I love you more." I smiled back.

"Wanna bet?" She raised her eyebrows.

"No need to bet when I know the answer." I shrugged which caused her to chuckle.

She literally helped me bathe even though I am more than capable of doing it myself. She just told me that I needed to relax for a bit.

"I wonder if the pups like me now." Kate laughed a little as she held me to her chest, my back against her front as she was the big spoon which made me feel safest. It was dark so we decided it was time to sleep, especially with me nearly falling asleep in the bathtub.

"Put your hand on my stomach and see for yourself." I lightly laughed.

She carefully put her hand over my shirt and on my stomach and waited.

"I think you're on the okay list with them now." I smiled, but not too much later did they kick her hand.

"You jinxed it!" Kate chuckled in my shoulder.

"No, they just don't want you touching me for that long. Pups are very protective over their mothers you know, but mothers are even more protective of their pups." I said confidently.

"And mate's are protective over their whole family, especially alphas. Lord have mercy on anyone who comes for you if they do, because no one could stop me from killing them. That is when the old cold me comes out. They can mess with me, hit me, shoot me, but if someone even looks in your direction in the wrong way... it will be the last time they look anywhere."

"Over protective much?" I let out a light laugh and she laughed with me.

"Only over my Luna."

Wolf BloodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang