Ch. twenty

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Harry prepared for two days before he worked up the courage to go. And even then he'd spent almost fifteen minutes in front of Draco's door, analyzing his appearance in a decorative mirror on the wall and practicing a brief apologetic speech before he managed to knock.

Eventually he had the nerve to hold his hand up to the door and he stood there frozen for long moments until the door opened without his ever making contact and he was greeted by Charlie Weasley's grinning face.

"Well, are you or aren't you?"

Harry could feel his cheeks heating up and his hand, fingers still wrapped in a loose fist, fell to his side. "Am I what?"

"Coming in." With that the red head pulled the door open wider and bowed, waving Harry into the apartment with a graceful arm.

Harry walked through the doorway and looked around the room. It looked different in the light of day and outside of bad memories. The furniture was comfortable and light to go with the wall treatments and curtains. A large living room sat next to the open kitchen, and in the shadows opposite a long balcony that looked out over the ocean Harry could see three small doors that he knew from the Pensieve memories went to the bathroom, Charlie's bedroom, and Draco's bedroom.

Seeing where his eyes were going, Charlie said, "He's sleeping right now. Had a bad day yesterday. Best to let him get up on his own as he's a complete bear to wake." Charlie trailed off, then laughed weakly. "But I guess you knew that already. Breakfast?"

Harry followed Charlie to the kitchen and took a seat at a battered and scarred table. As the red head bustled among pots and pans, Harry ran his fingers across the pitted surface. Draco sat at this table, he knew, maybe even in this chair and running his hands over this surface.

From the back of the apartment, Harry heard water running. He moved forward in his chair before scooting back again. A year ago he would have been welcome to join the blond in the shower, but not right now, and not for a long time, if ever.

He strained his ears to hear what was going on in the other room, but Charlie started singing and Harry moved into the living room area to get away from the noise.

A large black dog padded towards him and Harry recognized it from the memories Charlie provided, though it seemed much larger in person.

It eyed him with suspicion and Harry sat very still. He'd had a few run-ins with very large dogs and they tended not to go well, Sirius notwithstanding. The dog moved closer and Harry offered it his hand. After a few curious sniffs the animal seemed to come to a decision and it licked Harry's fingers warmly before moving its head within scratching range.

Harry smiled and scratched the dog around the ears as Charlie came out of the kitchen, a pot of tea in one hand and two mugs gripped in the other.

"Bogart! You leave him be."

The dog started and moved away and Harry turned to Charlie. "You didn't have to do that. We were getting along, me and him."

Setting the mugs on the table and taking a seat Charlie began to pour the tea without looking up.

"Just so you know, 'he' is a 'she.'"

Harry looked at the dog but didn't see anything to indicate gender.

Charlie caught the look and laughed. "It doesn't matter to her, but if you're trying to get into Draco's good books, calling his dog a boy might not be the best way to go about it."

Harry sighed, absently running his fingers through the dog's thick fur. "I'm not sure there is any way to get into his good books. Merlin, Charlie, those memories—"

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