Ch. fourteen

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At first, Harry thought the tracker was broken; unless Draco had fallen out of a ship and drowned there was no way he was in the middle of an ocean. But as the trail got

more clearly defined; Harry couldn't stop a grin from spreading across his face.

Draco was in Hawaii .

Months ago, Dudley had told Harry a story about Uncle Vernon harassing a blind boy on a plane. Harry had dismissed it as too coincidental, but apparently he should have paid more attention to his cousin.

Now, as he streaked over the blue expanse on a charmed carpet he borrowed from the Weasley's, he blessed his cousin, his uncle, and any deity that was listening.

He was going to find Draco, and bring him home.

The trail warmed up as he landed on a deserted stretch of beach. Shrinking the carpet, he tucked it into his pocket and followed the tracking charm, transfigured into a compass for convenience.

He followed its erratic trail across Waikiki beach and through various touristy areas. Eventually, he found himself in front of a small school. A sign over the door said it was 'Hale Kokua.' Harry didn't know what that meant, but he could hear children and thought the compass might have led him wrong.

Deciding discretion was the better part of valor; he wrapped himself in the invisibility cloak, no easy trick in the thick humidity, and made his way inside.

The interior was tidy, if a bit shabby. A lobby full of wicker furniture with faded cushions, and well-tended tropical plants. A low coffee table was covered with issues of Highlights for Children and Better Homes and Gardens.

An abandoned reception desk stood guard in front of a sturdy wooden door, but the door itself was propped open by a rubber tub half full, Harry saw as he walked further in, with building blocks and toy trucks.

A long hallway lined with doors led to a playroom walled in large picture windows. The light coming in was almost blinding, but not as much as the man Harry saw sitting in the corner.

He hadn't changed.

Somehow, Harry expected their time apart to change the blond Slytherin, but Draco looked the same as he ever did. The sun hadn't tinted his fair skin, and his hair still had the silvery glow Harry loved.

Dressed simply in blue jeans and a green shirt, Draco was the most beautiful thing Harry had ever seen. In the months Harry had been hunting he'd imagined finding Draco a hundred thousand times. But now he had no idea what to do. The last time they were together, they fought, and Draco had made a huge sacrifice for him.

Would the blond man be willing to take Harry back? Or push him away? Maybe he had already found someone new and Harry had no place in his life anymore.

Panicking, Harry mentally ran through speech after speech, something that would open Draco's heart to him again, let him know how hard Harry had worked to find him, without making Harry look like an insane stalker.

Something brushed his leg, pulling him away from his thoughts. His attention diverted, he finally noticed that the room was full of children. Children were in every corner and light music played through the room while a large dog romped in the sunbeams that streamed in. Turning back to Draco, Harry noticed for the first time a small child at his side, and both were tracing their fingers down an oversized page, Draco's pink lips moving slowly, mouthing the words, reading the story aloud.

Harry felt trapped. He couldn't go out and talk to Draco, but he didn't want to leave or he might never find him again. He would have to find out more about Draco's life before he could find his way back into it again.

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