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         “Oh Olivia, I’m so proud of you. You’ve come so far sweetheart.” “Thanks Mom.”  I replied back over the phone although I could barely hear her. This old apartment has the shittiest reception but the best view, guess it’s a give or take I thought to myself. I suppose I was focusing on the shitty reception so I didn’t have to focus on what my mother was saying. I know she means well, but I hate that she has to always bring my past mistakes up. I wish should she would learn to let it go the past is the past after all.

 “Mom, I really got to get going I have to start unpacking. Love you call you tomorrow.” 

We said our goodbyes, and a wash of relief came over me. I was finally on my own living on my terms. Well mostly, my parents agreed to cover my rent for the first couple months until I get settled. I recently moved to San Francisco because of a great job opportunity.  I will be working for a great publishing house here and it feels like a fresh new start. My family and all my friends live in Los Angeles so I will have to make new friends but I’m actually kind of looking forward to it. Since tomorrow is my first day I decided to settle in for the night and curl up with a good book. I want to be fully rested for what tomorrow has in store for me.

 Thump … Thump … Thump

A loud thumping sound comes through the walls; maybe some one is just moving a piece of furniture. I ignore and continue on with my book, just as I’m starting to really get into it and understand Hazel’s character it starts again.

 Thump … Thump … Thump

Okay, a bit annoying but what can you do about it. Actually come to think of it I’ve never heard the neighbor before the lady who works for this apartment complex said that he travels a lot. There are only two units on this top floor so I found solace in how quiet it’s been while I’ve been unpacking. I read a couple more chapters before the thumping began again. This time its louder and more consistent.


I decided to investigate, sounds like it’s coming from my room.  I put my ear to wall the thumping is still going, and I hear what sounds like … is that laughter? Oh my god I just heard my neighbor having sex. I quickly jump from the wall and laugh to myself. Man must have been quite steamy. I guess I was right about him moving some furniture, well a headboard for the matter. I hope it doesn’t sound like that every time they decide to get it on. I’m no prude but a girl needs her sleep.  It appears that they are done for the evening so I jump back into bed; all the unpacking has wiped me out. My eyes fall fast. I guess I’m more tired than I thought.

 thump … thump … thump …

 I toss a little but it’s not too loud.


 I whine a little and cover my head with a pillow.


 Okay, now he’s just being rude it’s the middle of the god damn night. Maybe if I just knock on the wall a little he’ll get the hint.

 knock … knock … knock


 Maybe I wasn’t loud enough.




 This is ridiculous, I jumped out of bed immediately and before I knew I was standing outside his door. I don’t really know what my plan of action is. I’ll just knock and simply ask if he can keep it down. Yeah that’s okay right? I don’t want to be that crazy neighbor but he’s being loud so this is totally justified. I don’t look like a crazy person standing in her pajamas in the middle of the night.

 Knock knock.



 Nothing again.


 Again, nothing.

 How did I think he would hear me knocking on his door, when he couldn’t even hear me knocking on his bedroom wall? I guess this was a little silly and I’m starting to feel a little relieved he never came to the door. What was I going to say any way? Excuse me sir, could you please keep it down while your have hot steamy loud sex? I laugh to myself and start towards my door.

 “Nice Pajamas.” A voice says, actually a British voice.

 Oh great. Just when I thought I was in the clear. I turn around looking as confident as I can. When I turn around I’m welcomed by the view of tattooed body. As my eyes make their way up I see my rude neighbor in all his glory. He has that sex glow; well I guess you could call it sex sweat. His hair is wavy and long, dimples to die for and gorgeous green eyes. Shit why does he have to be cute. It’s less intimidating yelling at some one when they don’t look like a rock star and you’re not in your cutest pajamas. Note to self unpack pajamas so you’re not standing in the hall with little white shorts and a tank.

“Sorry for bothering you, I was just wondering if you could keep it down a little. We share the same wall and I can hear you.” I say sheepishly, and keeping my arms crossed so I don’t give him a show.

 “Oh? What do you hear me doing?” He smirks.

 Smug little …

 “Moving furniture.” I quip and mentally pat myself on the back.

  “Is that what they call it here in America? Well would you like to join me? I could use some help moving a few things.” He says ever so confidently with a wink.

  “Okay gross, I was trying to be nice! Can you just keep it down? It’s really late and some of us have work in the morning. I’d rather be sleeping not yelling at some rando.”

 “Darling, its only 8:45 and I’m sorry I will try keep my moving furniture to a minimum. And don’t worry you can yell at me as long as you wear that top and those adorable little knickers.”

 “It’s only 8:45? I must have been exhausted from all the moving.” I mutter to myself. “Okay well thank you, and trust me sir you will never see me in my knickers again. Good night.” I storm towards the direction of my door, as I’m opening my door I hear him say something.

  As I make my way back to my bedroom, I laugh at the whole exchange. Maybe he’ll just forget about his crazy neighbor who complains at eight o clock at night. I will just write this whole thing off as nerves. I’m probably just tense about my big day tomorrow. I grab a book and start reading again, but I can’t concentrate on the words.

As I drift asleep I have one image in my head.

  My gorgeous, annoying, British neighbor.




The Story of Us.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora