New semester, same old vibe.....

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I walked through the door of my dormitory and instantly crashed on the couch.

It was a really tough morning and the goodbyes were just so unyielding. My mom nearly wept when she walked into the house and met that I had gone back to campus.

My family loved me.....but I couldn't say the same about them.

I  stared at the ceiling for about five minutes, counting every dent and every crack, silently laughing to myself any time I remembered how a particular dent earned a place on the ceiling.

I drifted my attention to the steel lamp outside the window, that released a rhythmic tune with every drop of the rain that landed on its top.

The drops were as clear as crystal and had an enchanting glint inside them. I remembered how me and my roommates would perform musicals anytime nature released a new weather.

With these thoughts my attention was drifted to the question that kept replaying in my head, "Where are they?".

I was really surprised about the fact that I was the first to arrive. Normally, on usual occasions of resuming back in school Norman and Chase would have arrived as early as eight in the morning. Chase would draw out his guitar and practice some new tune he had brought back from home while Norman would be busy in the kitchen making sure no one gets hungry once they arrive.

This time it was different....I was here first and I had completely no idea what I should be doing. It was already 1pm so if you ask me she would say my roommates are late. By 12 everyone was meant to be back. Some days I would beat Josh, other days he would be the third person to arrive and I the last.

I pulled my phone out of my small clutch bag and dialled Chase's number. It rang like three times and the sound diverted from slow beeping to Chase's thick voice saying " Hello?"

"Chase....I'm home, where are you guys?"

"Winnie? I'm with Norman and Josh, we arrived early and I decided to take everyone to lunch at Ecuador."

"What's that you said? Ecuador? The country or the super fancy restaurant downtown?"

"What a question, of course its the restaurant."

"I hate you." I hung up and collapsed back on the couch. My phone began to vibrate in my hand and I looked at the screen to find Chase's number.

"I said I hate you!" I yelled.

"Why? Is it because I went to the fancy restaurant you've wished so badly to go to?"

"Are grasses green? You don't ask obvious question Chase."

"Don't worry now. Its good to know you're home. I have  something important to talk to you about." He said. His voice being warm and tender, like when a big brother talks to his little sister.

I smiled and said "Noted."

I hung up and opened my Snapchat. I applied the flower crown filter and took a selfie. I saved the pic and uploaded it on my story on Instagram with the caption "New semester, same old vibe..."

I heaved a heavy sigh and dropped my phone on the coffee table in the centre of the room. Tired of the posture I had taken since I arrived, I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Ha! Norman is Norman!" I cheered as she sighted a tray of brownies on the kitchen counter.

I sat on a stool and dug into the tray to pick out as many as I could. I took a bite out of one and another and another and another, till I had surprisingly eaten nearly half of the batch.

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