Chapter 1

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Jason's Pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, and looked around my room. Wait...this isn't my room. This looks like the room I used when I was trapped in....Despair Manor. I quickly got off of the bed that I had woken up on, and looked around. It WAS the room. " no no no no no! Not again!" I cried, looking around. Just like last time, I found a note saying, "Welcome Back! May all contestants, please make their way to the dining hall, as soon as possible. -M" "B-but...S-Simon is dead!" I cried. I ran out of the room and down the hall. I didn't use the small map that came with the letter, because I remembered where everything was. I pushed open the large doors to the dining hall, and walked in. There were new people who stood or sat in their own little groups. I ignored them, and ran over the the group of eight. "Please tell me this isn't happening again." I begged, as I sat next to Cry. "Hey Jason. Afraid it is." Mitch sighed, resting his head on his arms. "But...isn't know...dead?" Phil asked nervously, glanceing at Bodil, who shifted uncomfterbly. "He definitly is. This is most likely a new mastermind." Seto said. I glanced at Cry, and noticed him facing one of the new people. "Cry?" I asked. "I...F-Felix and I...know him." Cry said. We all shifted akwardly. None of us liked talking about our dead friends. I looked at Cry's apparently friend. He was taller than me, but shorter than Cry. Of course, Cry is the tallest person I know. He had dark brown hair under a brown bear hat, a fuzzy looking beard, pale skin, brown eyes, and wore a black t-shirt, dark gray pants, and black shoes. I noticed him look over at us. His face lit up when he noticed Cry. Cry stood up when he walked over. "Cry! Man am I glad to see you! How have you been? Who are your friends? Where's Felix? You two are inseperable!" Cry's friend asked, looking around. The others looked away, while I looked at Cry sadly. "Hey Ken. I could be ALOT better. These are people I met not to long ago. And....F-Felix....isn't around." Cry said, looking at me. I stood up, and put a hand on his arm, trying to comfert him. "What do you mean not around?" Ken asked, confused. "He's..." Cry trailed off. "It's okay Cry. You don't have to answer. I can tell your friend what happened." I said, quietly. Cry nodded. "Thanks Jason." He said, before sitting back down. I led Ken over to one of the other tables, and sat down. Ken sat across from me. "Um...I'm Jason." I said, sticking out a hand. "Ken. Nice to meet you." Ken said, shaking my hand. "I guess." I mumbled. Ken narrowed his eyes. "N-not like that! I-it IS nice to meet's just...I wish it was under better terms." I said. "Hm...anyways...what did Cry mean when he said that Felix isn't around?" Ken asked. "Right...that." I sighed. " do I put isn't around any more...because...he's well....he's....d-d-...." I took a deep breath. "Felix is no longer with us....because he's....dead." I finally said. Ken shot to his feet. "WHAT!?" he cried. Cry looked at us. Actually, everyone in the room, except for my friends, looked at us. "I-I'm sorry Ken." I squeaked nervously. Ken leaned towards me. "How did he die." he growled. I opened my mouth to try to explain, but then a speaker appeared on the stage. "You're about to find out." I sighed, standing up, and walking back to Cry. I could feel Ken watching me. "How'd it go?" Cry whispered to me, when I was beside him. I just shook my head.

Everyone stood infront of the stage. Everyone except my group. We all just stayed sitting at the table. "Hello contestents! Welcome to most of you! And welcome back to some!" the speaker said. Some of my friends groaned. I stared at my feet. "Aw! Come on! You should be excited to be back!" the speaker laughed. "Fuck Off!" I screamed at the speaker. My outburst made the new people flinch, while my friends just mumbled their agreement. "No can do mister Jason! That would ruin the fun! Anyways!" the speaker continued, making me growl. Ken looked at me surprised, then looked at the speaker. "Now then. Where was I? OH yes! Welcome most of you! Welcome back to some! To Despair Manor! You all will be spending the rest of your pathetic lives here! Unless! You play my game!" The speaker said happily. "And what is your game?" Ken growled. "Here it comes." Cry sighed. I nodded. "To kill each other of course! In order to escape, you must kill someone here, and get away with it! After three INNOCENT people have found the body, there will be an announcement saying that a body has been found will go off. There will be some time to investigate. After the investigation, there will be a trial! Jason! Please explain what happens during a trial!" the speaker said. I rolled my eyes, when everyone looked at me. "During a trial, everyone will descuse the evidence, and try to figure out who the killer is. They will all vote when they have agreed who they think did it. If they guess right, they live while the killer gets exicuted, and we're forsed to watch. Not fun. But, if we guess wrong, the true killer lives, while everyone else gets exicuted." I explained. "It sucks...because people you trusted, or knew before getting here, could be the ones killed, or...could be the ones who killed." I said, fingering the choker I had on. It sat above my own choker. It was gray, and had a half red half black gem in the centure. It used to belong to someone named Zip. When I had escaped, I found out that we had actually known each other. Turnes out, I had actually known a few of the people who were killed, and some who survived. "How do you know that?" one of the new people asked. He had brown hair, brown eyes, paleish skin, and wore a blue hoodie, black pants and dark gray, almost black shoes. "Because...I'm one of the people who were welcomed back." I sighed. The room was silent. "Yep! Anyways! One of the older contestants can explain the rules to you all." the speaker said happily, before disapearing into the stage. Mitch and Phil took it upon themselves to explain the rules. (same rules as in the first book)

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