Chapter Eighteen-Meet the Ghost Family Part 2

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"Ezra stop!" I yell, as he Force chokes Aurra. "It's not worth it."

Ezra Force pushes Aurra to the ground and turns to me before igniting his lightsaber.

"Jyn is in danger! We need to rescue her!"

"That's what the Empire wants you to do!" I exclaim. "But, it's a trap!"

"Isn't everything a trap?"

"Look, we can't exhaust every resource into rescuing Jyn."

"If this was Sabine, would you go after her?"

I pause, and look at Sabine.

"I know she'd want me to finish the job at hand."

"Well, if you won't help me, then i'll do it myself."

"We need you Ezra."

"We need Jyn as well!"

"Ezra, if you were faced with rescuing Lothal or rescuing Jyn, what would you do?"

"I'd rescue Lothal."

"Jyn wouldn't want you to risk more lives over one." Zeb says from the car.

"Zeb, what are you wearing?" Ezra asks.

"Watch out!" Kanan yells, as an Earth Forces TIE fires on the van.


A fiery explosion occurs, and Zeb is gone.

"NO!" Ezra exclaims, as he drops down.

Then, a N'ohgri warrior enters the fray and activates his electro staff, holding Jyn captive.

"Now, you have fallen for Grand Admiral Thrawn's trap!" Ruhk exclaims. "You rebels are so eager to step in to save the boy, but not the girl."

"I should've just stayed!" Ezra exclaims.

"Now, you're all mine." Ruhk cackles as a lightsaber ignites.

But it's not Ezra or Kanan, it's Limark.

"I know what you really want!"


Limark looks at Kanan, and points his lightsaber at Ruhk, as he throws Jyn to the rebels and prepares to strike Limark.

"Go!" he exclaims. "Run! I've got Ruhk."

I nod tearfully as I run the opposite direction with Hera, Chopper, and Sabine. Kanan drags Ezra across the road, and Jyn runs with us, shooting troopers as she runs.

"We can't just let him get captured!" I exclaim.

"He knows what he's doing." Kanan replies.


Limark looks at Ruhk.

"I won't let you take any more rebels." Limark exclaims.

"You are foolish, Jedi."

"Perhaps. But, they'll do what they must to deal with you!"

Limark then continues to duel Ruhk, as he senses the escape of the rebels.


We board the Nightbrother, and Ahsoka gets us out of the city.

"It's all my fault that we lost Limark and Zeb." Ezra laments.

I sit next to Ezra.

"Yes, your feelings clouded your judgement, but this isn't over. We can still make it count. That's what Zeb and Limark would want us to do."


Meanwhile, Limark is in handcuffs, as he approaches Thrawn onboard the Executor.

"We retrieved what we really want." Says Clyde eagerly. "Now, let's put him into the device."

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