Chapter One-Weirdo Squadron

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I look at the orangey red sun in front of me. The trees are greener than Ezra's lightsaber, and the tall Massassi temples of stone tower over me. Then, I hear the two rebels in front of me, being silly. Their names are Erban Zur, a female starfighter mechanic, and Keith Lara, a rebel scout.

Why was I sent out here by Commander Syndulla? What an excellent question....well......I don't know. I'm just here because I wanted to go to Yavin 4, the location of a former rebel base which was abandoned when i told the rebels of what I knew about the galaxy far, far away.

"Oh my goodness, there's a Yavin parrot!" Erban squeals.

"Obviously, it has no significance to our mission." I remark.

"Hey, who died and made you boss?" Lara asks.

"The Phantom." I state. "I would much have Sabine here, girls."

The parrot thing then flies onto my shoulder, and I squeal.


"You make a terrible scout." Keith remarks.

"And you make a make a terrible partner." I rebuff.

We continue trotting through the forests of Yavin 4, my two comrades being do i put this.....annoying.

"So, you think there's any Imperials about?" Erban queries.

"NO!" I respond harshly, being the troll I am.

"Guys, let's go check the base." Lara says.

"I'm a bird!" Erban exclaims playfully. "Gaw! Gaw!"



Stormtrooper's POV

I stand in the rain of Yavin, listening to some kid pretending to be a bird.

"Boss...there's some really weird bantha poodoo going on here!" i explain with a dash of nervously.

"LT-B6, just check it out." reports my boss, Commander Larix from my wrist comlink.

"Yes sir!" I respond, before running into the thick, rainy jungle.



I look at he jungle from the hangars of the abandoned rebel base. My comrades are sitting on empty crates left behind during the evacuation of the base.

"Why are we here again?" Erban asks curiously, as rain starts hammering down.

"We need to salvage parts from this base to build us a new Phantom." I explain.

"Like this?"

I look at Erban and she is carrying a proton bomb.

"Careful with that!" I warn sharply. "It could explode."

"So, I take that as a yes?" Erban quips.

"No, you weirdo."

"I have an idea!" Keith exclaims. "Let's be Weirdo Squadron!"

"Weirdo Squadron?" i ask. "We are not a squadron. We are a trio!"

I walk over to the other side of a hangar to search through some crates and hear a noise.


Why in all the galaxy do I hear  a GONK droid?

"Hey, did you get left in this base?" I ask in a voice I would normally use to talk to babies.

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