Chapter Sixteen-Infiltration Mission

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A lot had changed since the Empire took over. Earth was no longer the backwater planet. Instead, it was a planet filled with futuristic technology and Imperial factories, which I assume are constructing Earth Forces TIEs or some other military projects.

Sabine stands next to me, a special binocular in her hand. Her black hair sways in the wind, and she extends her hand to give me the binoculars.

"Nathan, you better take a look at this."

I smile and grab the binoculars before taking a peek at the city. My former home, now the Imperial Capital of Earth.

But, somethings different. A supply ship, similar to the ones Rogue One used, lands in one of the factories.

"According to Griffin, there haven't been any supply ships around here. But since the Super Star Destroyer arrived, more supply ships are landing in the factory."

"These supply ships must carry something important." I express, before passing the binoculars back to Sabine. "We need to find out what it is those ships are carrying before the Empire uses them."

"I'll get Hera." Sabine replies, before walking off.

I nod in reply and look at Ezra and Jyn, are sitting together by a rock, giggling.

"What are you two doing?"

"Nothing." Ezra says in an effort to avoid the conversation.

"Well, we're going to the factory to see what's in those supply ships. You in?"

"Of course."

"Let's rebel." Jyn says.


Aurra Sing enters Loth's office as Ruhk and Loth stare.

"I still don't understand why you're pitting her against the rebels, Loth."

"Ruhk, we need a bounty hunter to get the rebels off out scent. Besides, bounty hunters are excellent hunters."

"I am an excellent hunter also."

"We need to spread these rebels thin. Steer them from the Imperials. Aurra Sing is quite good at that."


I overlook the blue hologram of the factory.

"So, based on my Imperial background, these shuttles should be docked in one of the hangars, and they should've unloaded the supplies and sent it to processing. So, we check out processing and find the supplies."

"Sabine's tight." adds Hera. "But, we should drstroy it. As these are important, then the Empire must using it for something. So, we get in and take it out."

"This could be our chance to stop the Empire once and for all!" I exclaim. "But, we need to get inside. "I have an idea."


I stand outside an Imperial checkpoint, where death troopers are checking Ids for factory workers. Ezra then uses the Force to chuck a rock at the death trooper, prompting the trooper and his comrade to chase after Ezra into an alleyway, which is whrre the Ghost crew minus Hers and chopper are waiting. Kanan also uses the Force on the Death Troopers to move the gun, and then knocks them out. He puts on there armour, as do I, as I am around Ezra's height.

"This should work." I say, before walking to the gates.

"The Jedi is dead!" I exclaim. "Now, let us continue!"

Then, a bounty hunter walks up to us. It is Aurra Sing.

"There was a rebel attack, bounty hunter. We killed one!"

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