Chapter 42

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Rebecca's pov

Everyone else is now in the living room. I just found out that Nick is my teammate and then Chad and Nathan are teammates

(Here are the teams if you were confused before)

Erika & Joe

Chance & Justin

Kade & Anthony 

Rebecca & Nick

Chad & Nathan 

Jake comes in and also his new cameraman. 

"Okay so basically I'm just going to skip the chariots since we have no way of doing them. We are just going to do the interviews and then games." Jake tells us. "Interviews will be tomorrow at 2:00pm." He then just leaves. 

I let of Chance's hand and I chase after Jake. I jump on Jake's back and I put him into a choke hold and I squeeze. He is struggling to get me off him. We fall to the ground and I don't let go. I put my legs around his waist. Jake's face is getting red now. I look behind me because I'm surprised nobody has pulled me off yet. 

There stands Chance , Anthony and Kade and they're just staring at Jake and I. They don't seem fazed at all. I can feel Jake struggling a lot less and he soon stops struggling all together. He passed out. I let go and I get off his back. I kick him in the side with my foot and he doesn't move. Oh well. I just laugh and walk back over to Chance. I take a hold of his hand we walk to the couch and sit down. Jake is most likely going to hurt me for hurting him, but I know that Chance will protect me. 

Chance and I decide to watch some netflix. Anthony and Kade helped Jake to his room. He was going to go after me, but they stopped him. I know I'm about to get it, but it was totally worth it. I just want to spend time with Chance before I die because I'm pretty sure Jake is going to kill me this time. I'm pretty much useless to him. I think he is getting bored with me. 

*The next day* 

It's 2:00pm. Chance and I are heading downstairs. We were told to dress nice of course. I've seen the hunger games hundreds of times so I know how this works. 

Chance is wearing a nice little suit. I'm wearing a super pretty dress that I borrowed from Erika since I didn't own any. I do my final touches on my make-up. Chance comes behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. He kisses the top of my head. I set down my mascara. "I seriously don't want to do this." I say. "You have to. We have no other choices, Rebecca." He says. I let out a big sigh. I turn around to face Chance. 

"We could revolt. All of us. 10 against 1 is a pretty good advantage." I say quickly. "I don't know about that. We don't want to-" Chance says, but I cut him off. "Are you on my side or Jake's? Jake is a freaking psychopath." "That isn't what I mean't. It's just that Jake-" I cut him off once again. "Are you about to defend him? I'm so done with this. Why is everyone trying to defend Jake and not me. I'm the one who is being hurt. Not Jake!" I yell. Chance tries to put his hand on my waist, but I just push him off and I storm out of the room. I head downstairs where everyone else is and into the main area where the front door is. 

Jake is down here as well. He is in a nice suit as well. All the guys are actually. Jake is just chatting with Erika. Erika is pretty much ignoring him. I see Chance finally enter. "Okay looks like everyone is here." Jake says while he scans the room. "Follow me then." Jake says and he leads us to the garage. All of the cars are removed except his lambo. 

We are told to sit in the hallway and wait for our names to be called. There is 10 chairs. Erika is first up. 

It's finally my turn. I stand up and I go into the garage. I take a seat next to Jake like I'm told to. 

"Lovely dress." Jake says. I don't say thank you. I just look down at my feet. I plan on just ignoring Jake the whole time. "Well okay. How are you this beautiful afternoon?" Again I don't acknowledge him. I look straight ahead. "No need for the hostility." Jake laughs. I just roll my eyes and cross my arms. "You should respond or you will regret ignoring me." I just laugh. "Oh will I now? Well fuck you Jake and this stupid fucking hunger games. You fucking idiot." I stand up and I storm out of the room and before I go into the hallway I spin around and flick him off. I'm being taken away by a dude and I pass Chance on my way out. "You shouldn't have done that." Chance says. I don't respond back. I'm being taken to my room and I'm locked in. I'm not taking part Jake's little games. 

I need to find a way out of this whole mess. 

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