Chapter 14

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Rebecca's pov 

I start to wake up and I'm still in this shed thing. The door is open though and the straight jacket is no longer on me. I stand up, but I sway a little because I'm still a tad dizzy. I hold onto the wall.I keep holding onto the wall while I walk toward the doors. I leave the shed. I look around and nobody is in sight.

I walk toward the house and I open the doors. Nobody is in the main area of the house. Okay this is strange. I walk to the front door. I open it. There is no fans outside. Okay now this really getting extra strange. I go onto the street and I look down it. Nobody is in sight. It's dark out. The street lights are on. 

I turn around and I look at the house. Chance comes out of the house and he walks toward me. "Please don't hurt me." I say. He stops right in front of me. I brace for when he is going to hit me. He holds onto my shoulders. "Shhhhh I'm not going to hurt you, don't be afraid." Chance says in a calming voice. "What is happening?" I ask. "Don't worry about that, I'm going to help you."he says. 

"How are you going to help me?" I ask. "We are going to run away together, far away from this evil place" Chance says and he removes a hand from my shoulder and he takes a piece of hair that was in my face and places it behind my ear and he gives me his charming smile. "Take my hand." he says. He places his hand right in front of me. I hesitate,but I grab it anyway. 

We walk down the street and then we start running down the street. There is still nobody in sight. We stop and Chance turns me toward him and he looks me right in the eyes and says "I love you Rebecca." He then kisses me. I start to kiss back. I can't stop. He lets go. He starts to fade away and I jolt awake and I'm in Jake's bed. Chance is sitting right next to the bed in a chair. He is on his phone. He looks up at me and smiles. "How was the dream of yours?" 

Eeeeppp Sorry about the such short chapter! You guys wanted me to update! I promise the next one will be longer. Hahaha I love leaving you guys on cliffhangers!!

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