Chapter 8

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Rebecca's pov

I'm being thrown onto the couch and Jake comes over to me and he has blood underneath his nose. Shit hahaha, I actually did break it. It's a little crooked and everything. It's barely noticeable but at least I did it.

Jake grabs my throat and pushes me further onto the couch. I laugh uncontrollably. He punches me in the nose and I hear a break. He broke my nose also. He lets me go and I feel underneath my nose and blood is running down. "See now we match," he says and walks away. Kade already stopped recording. I see the Martinez twins walk down the stairs. "What the hell?" Emilio said. "She broke my nose, so I broke hers," Jake says from the kitchen. Emilio and Ivan both go into the kitchen and they disappear. Jake disappears too.

Chance sits next to me and looks right at my nose. "Damn, Jake hit you hard, yours looks way worse than his" Chance laughs. "Ya, no shit dude, he is 10 times stronger than me" I say and I wipe the blood away and I stand up. Tessa comes into the room and Chance automatically stands up and walks away. Tessa sits down on the couch. I walk toward the stairs but I'm stopped by Chance who was standing next to the railing. He pulls me into the office. Nobody is in here. " I'm sorry about what Jake did to you, I would kill him if I could," Chance says.

" Um...thanks?" I say. " Want me to break something else on his body?" Chance says and he seems pumped. "No, don't, it was my fault I shouldn't have tried to run away," I say and I brush my hair back. He then tries to lean in for a kiss, but then the door opens. Chance is now choking me and I'm on the ground and he is on top of me. " Bro... what are you doing?" Alex asked. Chance pulls out a knife and puts it near my throat. " Try that shit one more time, and I will slit your throat!!"Chance yells. Alex grabs onto chance and yanks him off of me. " What is your problem?" Alex asked Chance. "Bro, she tried to kiss me," Chance says. " Oh my gosh, get a life," Alex says and leaves the room. " You're the one who tried kissing me!" I choke out. " Say that to anyone and you will regret even living," Chance says and storms out of the office. I stand up and I brush myself off. Welp. That just happened.

I leave the office also and I head upstairs. I go into the boy's room and I see Anthony, Chance and Ivan and Chad playing video games. Chance looks at me and does a slicing motion on his neck and goes back to the game he's playing. Does that kid think he scares me? Haha, not a chance. I sit on one of the bunk beds and I glance at the table next to it and I see my phone I sitting right there. I grab it fast and I unlock it. I see tons of text messages from my parents asking if I'm okay. I'm about to text back saying I've been kidnapped, but before I can type my phone dies. DAMN IT!!!!!

I throw my phone across the room. " What is your problem?" Anthony asked not taking his eyes off his game. " You know what my problem is?? MY PROBLEM!!, I'm fucking kidnapped and I just want to go fucking home!!" I scream and I stand up and I go over to one of their X-boxes. I unplug it and I run over to the railing and I throw it down and I go back into the room and I tear up there beds. I knock down there tvs and I grab a baseball bat and I swing it against the window and it shatters. Glass goes into my hand. I drop the bat and I throw their chairs.

I'm being grabbed by Anthony and thrown onto the floor. I land on my hand with the glass in it and I scream bloody murder because it goes deeper into my hand.

Anthony grabs my hand and picks out the glass. He throws my hand back down. He grabs my throat and pulls me up and he pushes me against the couch.

Chad pulls Anthony off of me. " Get off me , she destroyed our stuff and now I'm gonna destroy her!!" Anthony yells and punches Chad straight in the face. He comes at me again. He pulls out a taser. He turns it on and aims for my side and shocks me. I scream and I fall to the floor. He shocks me on my back and I scream once again. He kicks me in my stomach. Jake rushes into the room with Emilio. Jake pulls Anthony off of me. Jake grabs me and pulls out of the room. Shit , not again!!!

We head down the stairs and into the little dining area. Besides there being a table there. There is a hospital bed. Where did they get this?????

Jake picks me up and lays me down onto his. He holds me down. I start to struggle. This isn't actually happening right now. Chance is at my left leg and Ivan is at my right. They both grab my legs and they grab a restraint. They restrain my ankles. Emilio pulls over a restraint on my legs and locks it. Anthony comes up to my left arm and Another blonde dude comes up to my right arm. Wait!!!!!!! That isn't any blonde dude! That is Bloody Logan Paul! Omg!! I love him so much!! Shit now I think about it. I've actually seen a few of Jake's videos I didn't realize it!! I was so caught up in the moment.

Logan grabs my right arm and Anthony grabs my left. They restrain my wrists and locks the restraints. Jake stops holding down my head and comes to my side. He grabs a long restraint. He places it on my stomach and locks it. Logan does the same, but he lays it on my shoulders and locks it. Logan stands behind my head and leans my head up.He places his hand under my chin. I look directly into his eyes and he does the same. " Now we are going to insert some stuff into your body, this will be painful so I don't think you want to be awake for this." Logan says. He grabs a mask off a table. ( anesthesia) he placed it on my face. Ugh it smells sooooo bad! I take in a deep breath I can't breathe!!! I take in another huge breath but I'm not getting any oxygen. My vision gets all blurry and I'm still looking at Logan. He places his hand on my forehead and brushes back my hair. " Take deep breaths, you're going to be fine" he says and I fall into unconsciousness.

Wow okay! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! Well anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure you vote and comment your opinions so far on this story! See ya next chapter!! Byeee

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