Chapter 5

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Rebecca's pov 

I wake up with someone uncuffing me and then I'm literally pulled off the bed by my two legs and I open my eyes and I see Jake is literally dragging me down the hallway and Kade is recording the whole thing. I really to check out their channel or something. Wait Rebecca stop getting distracted , you need to find a way to stop Jake. I hang on to a bar from the railing. Jake try's to pull my legs again but I'm not ever letting go because I have such a strong grip. 

"Rebecca! Let go of that damn railing! " Jake shouts and then Chance comes to me and he literally pries my hands from the stupid railing and I'm being dragged once again. I try to grab hold of anything that comes my way but no luck. I flip Chance the middle finger and he just shrugs and I'm being twisted around and I'm now laying on my back and I'm being picked up by Jake and he throws me onto the bed. He grabs rope out of his closet and he comes back over to me, I try to make a run for it but Jake snatches me and pulls me back toward him and he has his arms around my waist and he spins me around and he says "Where are you going sweetheart" He then smiles and he throws me back on the bed. Then Chance and Anthony enter.

Then someone else enters and it's someone I don't recognize. He is tall and has dirty blonde hair just like Chance's. "oh , that is Alex by the way" Jake spoke and then smiles at me and then Chance and Anthony both touch my shoulders and then they push me down onto the bed and then they place one of their knees on my shoulder and they grab rope from Jake and they grab my arms and they tie me to the bed and I look out, Jake and Alex grab my legs and then I start squirming and they are now having trouble tying me down to the bed. I'm not going to let them win, but they are way stronger than me. 

Chance all of a sudden grabs my throat with his hand. "If you don't stop struggling , I'm going to slit your throat right here , right now"He says through gritted teeth. 

Oh is he now????

Oh is he now????

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I just laugh in his face. "Oh you don't think I'm serious , well what about now?" He laughs and then pulls out a knife and he let's go of my throat and he puts the knife their instead. Shit , this just got real. 

Sorry about the short chapter, you guys wanted me to update, so here is two updates in one night. Thank you so much for 100 reads in just 4 days, it means a lot! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! 

Kidnapped by Chance Sutton & Team 10Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat