Chapter 31

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Rebecca's pov

I run after Chance up the stairs because he might try to go to Jake's room. I stop at the top of the stairs. Chance just goes straight into his room. Kara is in there. I forgot. Chance is about to close the door when he turns around to face me. "Why the hell are you following me? Like get a life, Rebecca." he says and rolls his eyes. "I was just- um nothing." I say and look down at my feet and I stand up on my tippy toes and back down. "Um okay, whatever." He says and turns back around and shuts the door. 

5 seconds later the door opens and there is Kara and Chance is holding onto her shirt from the back. "Who the hell is she?" He asked " And why was she in my bed." 

"That is Kara. Jake kidnapped her. She is my best friend."

He starts to walk down the hallway with Kara in front of himself. Kara looks very confused and terrified. I follow after them. "Jake is busy and doesn't want to be disturbed. " I lie and I try to get in front of them, but Chance is already at Jake's door and he slams it open. "Jake!" Chance yells and he looks toward Jake's bed and I do too. Jake is lying there still unconscious. He is tied up. Erika is sitting on the bed with him and she is on her phone. She looks up from it and places it down. "Hi, Chance. What are you doing here?" She asked smiling. 

"Well, I would like to know now why my best friend is tied up and why he has a cast on his leg." Chance said harshly. He takes a tighter hold of Kara's shirt because she is trying to get away. I see Jake stir a little. His drugs are wearing off. Chance notices too because he gets closer to Jake, but Erika tries to block him, but Chance just pushes her away. "Jake, wake up!" Chance urges Jake. Jake stirs even more and he finally opens his eyes. He looks around the room very confused. 

He tries to rub his face, but fails. He starts to struggle against the ropes. "Get these things off me." he then looks directly at Erika. "Erika I'm going to kill you." Jake fumed. "Chance untie me now." 

Chance pushes Kara toward me and I grab a hold of her. I tell her to run and she does. Chance starts to untie Jake. Chance helps Jake up from the bed. "I'm going to kill you too, Rebecca." Jake says and points his finger at me and he tries to walk over to me, but fails of course. I walk out of the room and down the stairs. I need to find Kara. I'm about to go onto the last step when I hear something loud go off and extreme pain goes through my calf and I fall to the ground and I take a hold of my leg and I scream out in pain. I look up and there stands Chance with a gun and its still pointed at me. Then something hits my head and I look up and its Anthony. I thought he was on my side. Kade is standing next to me. 

Kade has the thing in his hand that he hit me with. Looks like a baseball bat. Kade hits me one more time and I'm knocked out. 

Sorry for such a short chapter 

Kidnapped by Chance Sutton & Team 10Where stories live. Discover now