Chapter 32

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Rebecca's pov 

I'm awake. I open my eyes. It's pitch black. I feel the pain in my leg from the bullet. I try to move, but I'm tied down. I open my mouth to scream for help or whatever, but it's suddenly covered and now I can't open it. Someone just duct taped my mouth. Where the hell am I? Who is in here with me. I can't see a thing. I scream through the duct tape, but its so muffled. "Nobody can hear you." Someone says. It sounds like Anthony, but their voice is muffled."Who's there?" I ask. "Oh, I know that you know who I am." the dude says. Then the duct tape is ripped from my mouth and I groan a little. Damn that hurt. "If I knew who you were then I wouldn't be asking." I say and roll my eyes. 

He laughs and then the lights from on and its so bright. I keep opening and closing my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I see someone right next to me. It's man, but I can't see their face because his face is covered by- night vision googles? Then a ski mask. Well for people who ski and they need to cover their mouth. Okay this is getting really weird. I look up and there is a pole with a bag in it. Then a tube running down and its connected to an IV in my arm. The guy is wearing all black. I can't see his hair because he is wearing a hood. 

I look around the room and its all cement. No color. I'm on a metal table. "Who are you?" I ask getting pissed. The guy removes the googles and then the mask that is covering his nose and mouth. Then the hood. 

It's Jake. 

How? I look down and there is no cast on his leg. He laughs and he plays with the bag that is on the pole. "You know what this is?" he asked. "Um no." I say annoyed. 

"It's just water." he says and then gets all happy like and then he pulls out a pistol. He places it to my forehead and he stop smiling. Well he starts to smile while talking. "I think its time that I finally killed." Jake says and then laughs. "I don't think that is necessary." I say. "Oh, I totally think it is. I'm done with you. You are getting very boring. I like Kara a lot more. She is all new and fresh." 

"Don't you dare hurt her. You bastard." I say through gritted teeth and I start to struggling a little against the restraints. "Dude, calm down. No need for the over dramatic ness." 

I spit in his face face and he wipes it away laughing, He presses the gun harder onto my forehead. "Um can you not." I say. "um can you not spit on my then, bitch." 

He places his finger on the trigger and releases the safety. "Please don't" I say. I look to the door and Chance enters. "Chance, please help. Jake is insane. You have to see that." I cry out. "Sorry, but he is right. You are old, used and dirty. Slut." Chance laughs. I'm trying not to cry, but my eyes start to fill with tear. I try to blink them away, but a tear escapes and falls down my cheek. "You can't do this. I promise I will be better." I beg. 

"Sorry, but I'm done with you." Jake says and pulls the trigger. 

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