Francesco spoke in a firm tone "You are my son... I forgive you for keeping secrets from me... I know you better than yourself son... I raised you... If I wanted to force you to tell me I would have. If I wanted to hear it from you, I would have asked. I am not interested in what you say. Your actions are of interest. Where is your loyalty tonight? Are you attacking Jackson or coming home with me?"

Vincenzo hesitated. He lifted his hand slowly. He said "I am loyal to you first and foremost." He then shook his father's hand.

Francesco was relieved. He would have enjoyed teaching anyone else not to take him on but his son was his blood. He wanted his son to choose the easy way. He spoke "Very well. I want you to go up. I want you to go wait in my car. You are coming home with me tonight. I need to sort out this situation my way. You will not interfere in what I am about to do. Your grandpa has some explaining to do for your actions tonight."

Vincenzo was about to argue but his father's look warned him not to. He whispered "I will do as you wish but I like to talk to you. I want to confess to you about my past..." His secrets felt heavy suddenly. There was a mixture of guilt and loyalty that forced him to want to come clean and tell the truth. He felt guilty bringing his father to a lair where his grandfather was in control. He knew his father hated his grandfather. He didn't know why. But he knew by seeing his grandfather he had broken his father's rules... He just could not hide it any more. He wanted to protect his uncle Antonio and he was going to. But his father deserved the truth. Right now he could imagine it was going to a bitter moment for his father. His father hated his grandfather and for years pretended like he didn't exist. Obviously he didn't want to see his grandfather. His gut feeling told him the inevitable couldn't be avoided. His father had to know and it was the right time. He had decided not to take his father on. He had decided to let go of his revenge mission against Jackson that his grandfather insisted on. His father was going to forgive him for going against his advice but he was going to get rid of his entourage his way.

Francesco said "I am your father. I will find out if I wish it. Go up now. My priorities are not tainted by my curiosity or my passion for revenge. I wish for you to be out of my way while I clear out this building. If I want information, I find out myself son. I don't need you to tell me what I should know. I always find out what I seek. I am meant to. I am your father... You have 10 seconds to act or you are going to not like what I do next."

Vincenzo knew he was not going to like it if his father used force. He had to choose fast. He breathed "Its about grandpa father. You don't know what I know about him..."

Francesco said "That makes us even then. You don't know what I know about him. Out.. now or you will regret it. I want this done my way and not your way." The force of his father's order even in his calm tone impacted him. He knew when not to argue. His father needed this. His father wanted this. So his father was going to take this opportunity.

Vincenzo decided to listen to his father, something he should have done before stepping foot in his grandpas lair. He had hoped his father didn't come to get him. After all his father didn't like grandpa for some reason. He left and walked outside slowly trying to think about what he could do to make it better. He didn't think he could. He saw relief in the eyes of his father's men as he came out. They lead him to his car. He heard them shout mission accomplished. They were talking on their Walkie talkies circling the area around the set of buildings that were all owned by the rosarios. He looked at his watch and waited but his father was not coming out yet. But then as he glanced up he saw his father staring at him through a window as though checking he had left alive and well. Francesco waved at his son and made his way up the stairs to a chamber where he was going to once for all end this none sense. It was time to act.

As Francesco entered a warehouse like storage room he saw his father examining packages of weapons. He walked up right towards him and grabbed the rifle from his hand and drove its handle to his chest making him lose his balance.

Paulo hadn't even anticipated him there. He hadnt heard him enter. He watched Francesco pointing the rifle at him. His son had no feelings in those eyes that he could tell. There wasn't hate, there wasn't love. His son demanded "Give me names. Who else got you to get my son to go with your plan tonight? I want names or I will kill you?"

Paulo put his hand up as he was lying on the ground "You don't need to point a gun at me son."

Francesco argued "Don't call me son. I want names... Who in my circle has betrayed me. You lie to me and I will kill you. You tell the truth and I let you live. I want names now. Not tomorrow. Now. There is no way my son will trust you to lead him into a suicide mission that I forbid him from starting. It's not you. It can't be you. Who is it? My son will tell me but I don't want him involved. It's my business and not his. He is not even eighteen yet. He is just a kid. This is my fight. Who is the traitor?"

Paulo started looking around.

Francesco sighed "Don't test my patience. Don't look around. No one is coming to your rescue. Where I step foot, no one follows. They know I follow my word when I tell them to keep away no matter who they work for. Name names. I know my son. I raised him. He won't do what he did tonight without convincing by an insider. There is a traitor. Who is it?" He then got ready to shoot "You think I won't? I don't care about your life. My son is the one I like to save. Not your soul. Your life means nothing to me."

Paulo could see it in his son's eyes he meant business. He knew his son well. He knew he wasn't in the mood to be played. When his son came into the equation Francesco didn't see anything but his son. So Paulo had even refrained from pushing him in anyway while alone in that room. He knew he could buy himself time if he spoke in the next 5 seconds. He was ready to shoot. He was worthless to Francesco if he didn't give him information. He breathed  "Antonio...."

A Mob Boss's Territory (Book 4-About Vincenzo)Where stories live. Discover now