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The Train Ride

Our train leaves the station at 17:59, but we get there ten minutes early so we're able to bag ourselves seats. I sit by the window, and he sits right next to me, his broad shoulders taking up some of my personal space. Usually I would mind, but with Elliott I don't, I like being close to him.

"I feel like I know you so much more than I actually do." I admit to him, looking up at his face. His jaw covered in a think layer of stubble. "Like I don't even know your surname, or how old you are." On Friday night I'd guessed he was about eighteen, but today he seems older.

"Knightly, and I'm nineteen,twenty in a few weeks." He answers with a small laugh. I smile, it was funny, Georgia had always gone for older guys ever since we'd started high school. I'd always thought it was a bit weird, like why do older guys go for younger girls so often?

"Smith, seventeen. My birthday's not till next March." I admit, two or three years isn't that big an age gap. Especially compared to some of the boys Georgia's been with. My mum once joked that she needed to keep an eye on dad or she'd come home to Georgia and him busy in the bedroom.

"Sydney Smith," He says testing it out, I smile again.

"My brothers are called Shay and Seth, I think my parents are a little obsessed with S's." I joke. 

"How old are your brothers?"

"Seb's twenty four, he lives up in Newcastle with his girlfriend now, and Seth's twenty one, he's away at Uni so I'm basically an only child. And don't worry they're really not the over protective type." I joke. "Do you have siblings?"

"Loads its ridiculous, I have an older sister Ebony, two younger brothers, Hadley and Beau and three younger sisters. A set of twins, Iris and Lola and little Effie." He explains, listing them off.

"Wow I really can't imagine that, your house must always be so busy."

"Yeah, I guess it is, there' always something happening." He says shifting in his seat so he's facing me more. "Now, how many boyfriends have you had?" He asks, shocking me slightly.

"Elliott, a girl never kisses and tells." I joke mockingly putting my hand to my chest. 

"Come on Syd, I'm intrigued." He raises an eyebrow. 

"Fine - none, never had a boyfriend. I've been with people before but never official." I explain, most people in my year don't bother with going out - how romantic.

"How many people have you been unofficial with then?"

"Erm," I think. There was Perrie back when I was thirteen, he was my first kiss. Then I kissed three other boys by the time I was fourteen. Then I lost my virginity to Peter, in his parents bed at his party when I was fifteen, when I thought I was so grown up. Then me and Jamie Summerfield were a thing on and off all through Year 11, but all we ever did was fuck, I think we went on three dates in the whole year. Still I was sad when he told me he was moving school for Sixth Form, and ended me. Then of course there was Aaron, who I'd always known was just a friend but after me and Jamie split for good, I was bored and lonely and horny and he was there. We messed around for a little while around Christmas, but I ended it before my birthday. "Only two boys properly."

"How many have you fucked?" He asks without blinking, I let out a laugh.


"Did you love any of them?" I bite my lip, I definatley didn't love Peter, I thought I did but that was laughable now. I loved Jamie but not in the definite way you love a soul mate. I did love Aaron, I still do. I've loved him since we were little. Just in a friendship way. 

"I guess, and I still love but just as a friend, always as just a friend." I say clearly, like I speak when talking to Aaron. It took a while for him to understand what the word friend means.

"Did he know it was just as a friend?" Elliott jokes. 

"Nah," I still don't think he's fully accepted we're just friends.

"How ma-"

"Wait a minute, why am I the only one answering these questions?" I ask looking up at him and raising my eyebrow. "Your turn."

"You wanna know how many boyfriends I've had?" He says and I burst out laughing.


"This is my stop." I say when the train starts to slow.

"How far from the station do you live?" He asks standing up with me.

"About a ten minute walk." I say.

"I'll walk you home." He offers, it was almost June now, and it wasn't even half six yet, the sun still had at least an hour before it started setting.

"No, it's fine it's still light out."

"I insist, I'll feel I lot better if I walk you home." He says raising his eyebrows up at me. I roll my eyes.

"If you insist." I say moving to the door, Elliott right behind me. Although the trains busy, barely anyone gets off at this stop, so it's quiet once we're off.

"You didn't finish telling me what you're doing at sixth form." He says as we start walking.

"Oh yeah, so I'm doing Biology, Maths, History and Art." I explain. "I really don't know what I want to be when I'm older, Art and History are my favourites but I don't really like any of the career paths. Maybe a history teacher I don't know, or a Biologist." I shrug, "My Dad had always wanted me to be a vet like him, and I wanted it as well, I do love animals. But when I found out how hard Chemistry was and realised it was necessary I wasn't so keen." I explain, feeling as though I'm rambling, but earning a laugh.

"You don't say, I failed Chemistry GCSE." He says smiling.

"What do you do now? You aren't at Uni are you?" I ask leading him across the street.

"Nah, I didn't even do A-levels, I've never been very clever." He states. "I just work at my local gym, I teach boxing lessons." He looked down as he said it, "And I train and fight myself as well." His eyes dart over to me. I think of how he punched that scumbag, how he broke his nose, how he didn't seem to even think about it. I just wish I'd hit him harder. "Does that bother you?"

"Why would it?" I ask slowing my walk, as I look up at him.

"I don't know, I mean I get paid enough to pay my share of the bills and a bit more, but it's not really a proper career. And I don't know it might scare you." He says slowing with me.

"Don't be ridiculous Elliott, if it's what you like doing then it is a proper career. And it doesn't scare me, you don't seem like a dangerous person Elliott, you protected Maya not hurt her."

"Good, cause I really don't want you to be scared of me Sydney." He says sincerely.

"You don't." I say meeting his eye. Then leading him up my drive way. The car isn't here. I pull out my phone. Among the messages, I see Gone to Auntie Sarah's, having tea here - see you about eleven. Money for pizza on the counter - Mum x "My parents aren't home, you wanna come in for a bit?"

{A/N Apologies, I feel like I bombarded you with names in this chapter, hope you still enjoyed it!}

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