The Night Out Part Two


One drink turns into five, as Elliott hands me another rum and coke, I smile up at him. "You know my friend threw one of these at me earlier." I say taking a large sip.

"Really, why?"

"Yeah last year, she was going out with this guy right? And basically I was super drunk at this party, and he was flirting with me so much - like really begging for it. And so I kissed him, and he obviously kissed me back and then he took me up to the bedroom and was like kissing me all over and then she walked in on us." I explain, "At the time she was super upset but then I thought we'd moved past it she said forgive me cos you can't change the past right?" I take another sip and the drink is almost gone, the rum going straight to my head making me feel dizzy and excited.

"We aren't so different then, ay?" He teases - his hand landing on my waist, the touch warm. He leans down before I can reply and his lips crash into mine. His tongue runs along my lips then inside my mouth. He's had lots of experience. My arms snake around his neck, his arms around my waist. His hand drops and grips my bum, so hard I know they'll be marks tomorrow but I don't care right now. The kiss is rushed and desperate and hot and my head can't focus on anything but how good he is.

I pull away breathless. "Come on, I want to dance." I say the music invading my brain. He looks slightly disappointed but takes my hand and leads me into the dance floor where crowds of people dance and grind and sing-a-long. When he stops us, after pushing through people to get to the middle of a crowd, he puts his hands on my waist and starts dancing. The beat flows through me, and I look up at him swaying my hips.

"Omg Sydney!" A voice squeals in my ear, I know that voice. Her arms wrap around me and I hug her back suddenly so full of love for my best friend. "Omg babe where have you been, Maya totally ditched me for some guy, and I've just been dancing on my own." Georgia explains, grinning, her eyes wide and pinging.

"I was outside, I've been looking for you - I just came in like twenty minutes ago!" I squeal equally excited. "Aw babe you still love me right?"

"Of course I still I love you!" She shouts back pecking my lips, she holds my hands and we start dancing swaying our hips to the music, I feel a body behind me and look over my shoulder to see Elliott, I feel his hands land again on my waist. Georgia smirks at me and quirks an eyebrow. I giggle, my insides feeling warm and jittery.

I start moving my hips more and pushing my bum into his crotch twerking it and grinding against him, I can tell he's enjoying it. His hands pull me further against him, his lips touching my neck, sucking and kissing. My eyes drift back for a second then come back into focus as they land on someone staring at me. Aaron. Our eyes met, I keep dancing, and his face drops momentarily before he breaks out into a grin and pushes his way through.

"Sydney, Georgia, we found you." He shouts over the music, Dustin and Jack just behind him. He meets my eyes again and I smile. Elliott's lips leave my neck but his hands stay on my waist. Georgia lets go of my hand and wraps Aaron in a hug.

"Thank god you guys are here! Now we can party!" She shouts grabbing Aaron's hands and dancing. Elliott turns me around, his face close to mine and he dips his neck.

"Wanna get out of here?" He asks looking at my lips. I streach up and kiss him, my hands on his solid chest. His hands grip my bum again aggressively clawing at my skin. "Babe, let's go." He says his voice gruff, taking my hand again he leads me away. I follow without question, giving Georgia a wink as I leave. Just as I turn away I catch Aaron's eye and he shakes his head slightly, but I just grin and blow him a kiss.

He leads me through the crowds of people, my feet moving quickly to keep up, my body swaying. My eyes stay trained on his back, his muscles slightly visible through his black t-shirt. We're a few metres away from the bathroom, when my stomach sinks and I get an awful feeling that something bad is about to happen. One too many drinks for sure. He pushes open the bathroom door, and we aren't alone.

"Please stop! I don't want to." A voice cries out, and my heart sinks further because again I know that voice. Suddenly I'm rushing towards the voice. "No please stop-"

"What is it Sydney?" Elliott asks, a look of panic on his face.

"That voice – it's Maya, my friend." I tell him letting go of his hand. "Maya, Maya where are you??" I ask pushing on the cubical doors that line the wall, all empty or locked. "Maya?" Elliott is scanning the right hand cubicles, then rushes ahead puts his ear momentarily to the door then pushes - its locked.

"I think she's here." He says pushing his shoulder against the door.

"Maya, are you ok?" I ask as Elliott pushes again, the hinges shake.

"Sydney," Her voice is quiet and muffled but it's hers. Elliot's shoves his shoulder hard against the door one last time and the hinges break, the door falling. We both reach forward; he pulls the door up and out leaving it to crash to the floor. It is Maya, pushed against the wall, her dress up and her pants down, with a man's hand over her mouth, his trousers down and his other hand keeping her against him. Her face is tear streaked and she meets my eyes and her big brown eyes are so full of fear and sadness I want to cry.

Before I can even react Elliott steps in and grabs the guy by the arm. His grip on Maya loosens and I reach for her hand and pull her out gently, she collapses into me and we fall to the ground her body shaking as she cries. I wrap my arms around her stroking her hair just as Elliott throws a punch. I flinch. The contact was so strong against his face I'm sure Elliott breaks his nose.

"Fucking scrum bag!" Elliott spits as the man falls to the floor clutching his face.

"Maya are you alright?" I ask quietly, she just shakes her head into my chest. A million thoughts run through my head as I hold her, I look to see my clutch laying beside us my phone visible. We need to call the police. I flinch again as Elliott kicks him in the stomach. A few people have gathered round all wearing faces full of worry; one guy steps forward and offers me a wad of tissue, as he does Maya winces and cowers back. I quickly take the tissue.

"Sorry love, my mistake I didn't mean any harm, just giving tissues." He says calmly. "I'll stand back." He says to me and I thank him. I hand Maya the tissues and she wipes at her face.

I look over to Elliott who's still stood over him ignoring the groaning of pain coming from the man. I look down at him and feel sick to my core at his actions. I look up to Elliott, who's face jaw is clenched tight.

"Sydney, we need to take her to the hospital."

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