Chapter 2 | Is that smoke?

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Previously on "In The Mission";

     "That's what I warned you about!" Argie vociferated. "It was a dream!" Maria ejaculated. "I hope it is ONLY a dream!" Argie screamed.


"It is my turn!" Effie expressed.

—Kelly! Truth or Dare? And don't be a chicken and pick truth!
—Okay, okay! I'm not a chicken! Dare!
—Great choice my friend!
— ...??
—Get out of the tent and dash into that tree over there! Then circle around it 10 times yammering "lelelelelelele"!
—What? I'm not moving my butt from here, even if you make me do it! Nah ah!
—It's a dare!
—I'll pass! It's so murky out there!
—Don't chicken out chicken! You need to gamble!
—Should I? Do you want me to die?
—Die from what?
—I don't know...Argie kinda made me feel a little frightened as well!
—Just do it! We're here!
—Okay but sing a song while I'm doing it so I'm not going to be afraid!
—Yeah, yeah, sure!

     Kelly looked out scared. She ran out of the tent and dashed into the tree, as Effie dictated. She started to scuttle in circles, screaming "lelelelelelelelelelelele". She had already circled around the tree 10 times and felt a little dizzy from all these rounds she had done. She moved back and forth from the giddiness and found some balance. All of a sudden, they harken a strange noise, it sounded like a roar. "Kelly just leg it away!"Artemis shouted. Running as fast as she could, she bumped into a small tree. The trunk of it broke from Kelly's velocity.

     "Oh-my-god! That was close!" Nefeli vocalized. "You know, there's still a wolf out there!" Kelly exclaimed. "H-how do you know it's a wolf?" Argie said full of fear. "I'm an expert with animals!" Kelly smirked and walked back to the tent, chill. "How are we going to sleep now?" Maria inquired. "We will not sleep! As long as there is a wild animal somewhere near us, we can not sleep! Effie returned.

The girls hear fast steps near at hand and curled up, with their knees touching their noses. "What is this?"Artemis enquired. "Shhh!" Argie put her pointing finger in her lips and said "Be quite!". They soon hearken a loud crash. Maria browsed outside for a second. "T-the tree fell! It must be the wolf!" She observed. "Guys? Is that smoke?" Kelly asked. "I seriously don not know! It doesn't look exactly like smoke!" Effie shoot back to her.

~A few minutes later~

The girls were hacking so much, they were even having trouble breathing. In due time, they all felt giddy and then fainted. Only Nefeli and Maria stayed up, but in a second or two they fell on the floor as well.

~A couple of hours later~

"Girls! Wake up!"Artemis shouted, shaking the girls for them to wake up. "What happened? What time is it?" Effie asked. "We should have felt asleep."Maria thought. "But we weren't even slumberous! So that means we fainted. I can't remember from what." Argie noticed. "Wait! Look at the floor!" Kelly said. "Dust? What the...****?! Where did that come from?!" Effie exclaimed, all in confusion. "Um, I dunno! It might be know...forest dirt. Oh well! I dunno!" Artemis vociferated. "Wait, wait...wait! That tree Kelly bumped on fell, right?" Maria observed. "Yeah?" Argie said, being curious what Maria meant. "So it's the smoke that looks like dust now!". "Oh, that makes sense. Kinda..." Kelly thought.

     Kelly hopped out of the tent, just to get some fresh air. She dusted off her T-Shirt from the dirt and breathed out lightly. The tent shaken, heavily. She just stood there frozen, looking...oh well...nowhere.

     "Um, Kelly? What is going on?" Artemis asked, all curious to know. "Nothing? Um, just a little windy." She replied. "Okay? Are you sure you're okay?" Argie inquired. "Yeah I'm fine. Why?" She responded. "I don't know, it sounded like you  had some trouble out there." Argie said, inquisitive. "Nope, I don't think so." Kelly said and ran back to the tent.

     She didn't know what happened, herself. The wind came from her own mouth. FROM HER FREAKING OWN MOUTH! She went back outside and hid behind a small tree. "What was that? It can be just the wind! Yep it's the wind. Now it's kinda windy's not me!" She thought.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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