Criminal ch. 1

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This is my first Yaoi/NaruSasu/SasuNaru fanfic ever so...just a warning I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, just the little plot line here

Naruto: can we have ramen before we start?

Sasuke: how can you think of food in a time like this?

Naruto: there is always time for food!


--Naruto's POV--

It's been a few days since Sasuke has turned himself into the village after so many attempts to get him back. Of course he didn't come back with me though, he had to he stubborn and come on his own! Teme probably just waited to annoy me. Granny Hokage has him holed up and under watch of the ANBU at all times right now so I haven't had my chance to chew the bastard out. I know I should probably be happy Sasuke is finally home but...something just doesn't feel right.

Sighing at my thoughts I roll over in my bed and stuff my face in my pillow. Why can't things be simple any more? A knock sounds and I flinch a little bit because it's so loud compared to the silence a moment ago. I fumble with the stupid covers and stumble over to the door. Rubbing my eye I open the door to see Sakura.

"Okay I have two things to say about this. One, the hell. It's way to early for you to even breath near me. Two, eh, I forgot actually." I mutter while yawning as soon as I finish my words. Sakura crosses her arms over her chest and rolls her bright green eyes at my comments.

"Well I have two things to say too. Only I can remember my second one." She huffs causing me to smile a little bit, my mood improving.

"One, get dressed Lady Hokage is calling us in. Two, remind me your a bitch in the morning." Sakura sighed before walking past me into my house. Shrugging I slumped to my room to change from my shirt and shorts into my usual orange outfit. I was feeling too lazy to even zip the jacket up today so I just left it open showing the black tank top underneath. Running my fingers through my messy hair I just stuffed my headband in my pocket before walking out of my room and finding Sakura waiting on my couch.

"Lazy much?" She teased and in reply I only shrugged. I followed my pink haired friend to Granny's office and soon enough I was being yelled at.

"NARUTO UZUMAKI!" I flinched back a bit, everything just seemed so loud today. Granny had fire in her eyes and a lust for blood. I gulped and backed away a little bit so Sakura was in front if me.

"What? I didn't even do anything this time!" I protested. It was the truth. It had been forever since I did something to piss anyone off. In fact I hadn't done anything at all lately.

"That's exactly it you retard. You aren't yourself lately and it's starting to scare people." Granny hokage explained glaring at me still. I rolled my eyes.

"So I cause trouble and people hate me. I do literally nothing and people hate me? Is there anyway to win around here?" I mumble tugging at my hair that hung in my eyes. Sakura shot me a worried look.

"Naruto...Sasuke is back. Your mission was finished right when he walked through those gates. Yet you aren't the least bit happy. In fact the vibe people get from you seems depressed."

"Well gee, so happy to know I can effect people without saying a word." Sarcasm seemed to be on my side today. Sakura smacked my arm causing me to close my mouth and wait for Granny to smash every bone in my body for being well...Naruto like. Only she just sighed and rested her chin in her hand.

"Naruto it's concerning. Your headband you used to value so much because it meant something to you now looks like it's a burden even in your pocket." She finished gesturing to where the object was hanging slack out if my pocket. It looked ready to fall out and I haven't even noticed.

"So instead of giving you a break, I'm putting you on a long term mission to keep your mind off of...whatever it is you think about." Granny said shaking her head at the end of her sentence. I sighed internally. All I wanted was to go home and sleep. Sleep sounded amazing, the dreams...not so much.

"What would it be exactly and how far do I have to go?" I said asked trying to hide the whinny tone that wanted to infuse with my voice. Man would I be dead if I whined. Sakura looked at me shocked for a moment and I can't help but wonder what she is thinking.

"No where. You can do this mission from the comfort of your home." Granny explained a smile tugging at the corner if her mouth. I gave her a confused look before Sakura gasped.

"You aren't seriously thinking..." Sakura started but Granny Hokage cut her off with a nod.

"If anyone would be able to restrain Uchiha it would be Naruto. He's done it before. Plus he was the only one who stands of chance of knowing the kind if hate Sasuke will get from the villagers."

It clicked right then and there.

"Naruto Uzumaki your mission is to be Sasuke Uchiha's care giver, protector, and restrainer if he looses it. You can say no, but then I will have to throw Sasuke away."

"No!" I said without thinking at her last words. Throwing away means...
"I mean...ugh! Just finalise the mission."

Sakura gave me a look, I couldn't tell what she meant by it but she put a hand on my shoulder. I pulled the corner of my mouth up a bit to give her some kind of reassurance but I think it worked in the opposite.

"C'mon I'll take you to him."


(Insert page break here. Dattebayo)

Sasuke's POV--

It's only been two days, or it could be longer. I can't tell time very well locked up under ground. Seriously I surrender to these people and they treat me like my public execution is tomorrow.

I could hear footsteps on the stairs coming down. The ANBU standing watch stiffened and looked over to the door where the two people stepped in. The guard relaxed instantly and smiled at the visitors who stepped into my view. I spotted Sakura first. She came to visit me all the time. It was getting infuriating. Couldn't she take a hint? Next I averted my eyes from the pink haired girl to her companion only to have my eyes widen in shock. Naruto Uzumaki finally came.

"Hey Sasuke-kun! We finally have made plans with the Hokage to get you out of here. Naruto will be with you at all times as both moral support and guard." Sakura explained in her overly happy tone. Naruto, taking care of me? He can barely take care of himself by the looks of it. He had dark circles slowly forming under his eyes, he looked skinnier than ever with his jacket sleeves hanging down on his hands further than usual and seeming baggier. If I looked close enough I could almost make out tear trails on his whispered cheeks.

"Hey Teme." Naruto mumbled. He was even quieter than usual. Something was seriously wrong.

"Hey Naruto." The blonde looked a little startled at me calling him by his name. Did he think things were going to be the same as when we were younger? Could it go back to that way?

"C'mon I think you've been locked away enough." Naruto stepped closer and leant me his hand seeing as I was sitting in the floor and he was standing. I ignored his hand and stood on my own, wincing a bit for no reason I could think of. Naruto blinked at me before rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Pfft whatever Teme." Naruto turned around and started walking out. Sakura stayed behind to explain things to me, probably thinking if she talked to me it might make me tolerate her. She's completely hopeless. I zoned her out for the most part. Picking up the important parts.

'Living with Naruto'

'He'll always be in my sight or else an ANBU will be'

'I have to behave or be locked away again'

'Never leave Naruto alone'

"Wait why?" I asked startled by that last part. Sakura looked away for a moment seeming sad.

"It's not a rule. It's me asking you a favour. Naruto has had a past of hurting himself or exerting himself to the extreme just because he is depressed or lonely. It's been getting bad, he never leaves his house anymore. Please Sasuke, I'm starting to get scared. He used sarcasm like you used to. He even retorted to people being nice."

She had a point, that wasn't Naruto at all.

What was going on with the little dobe?

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