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happy super belated birthday to the amazing Min Yoongi!

Minuscule sparkles of colourful glitter littered the fingertips of Jimin's chubby fingers, almost transparent patches of glue sticking around them and holding them firmly in place. Happy giggles spewed from the young boy's pink lips as he managed to get more glitter on them, though this time Seokjin was sure it was intentionally and chuckled, taking the  shaker away from the giddy little.

"I think we've put enough glitter, sweetheart." 

Jimin all but whined. "Not 'nough, Uncle Jinnie!" he begged, huffing as he failed to reach the shaker. "Daddy needs lotsa glitter! So pretty!"

Currently the two were decorating cards for Yoongi's birthday. Little Jimin couldn't make his own gifts and keep it a secret long enough, which is why Seokjin had offered to help like he did every year, fond of the younger boy. Big Jimin had already sorted his gifts for his boyfriend's birthday though Little Jimin found them a bit boring and immediately decided his daddy needed colour and glitter and everything!

"I know it's pretty, sweetheart, but your Daddy needs to be able to see your beautiful drawing in the middle, hm?"

"Diminie never thought 'bout that, Uncle Jinnie..." Jimin mumbled. His blunt fingers began scratching away at glitter specks that had gotten a little too close to the marker drawn picture in the middle of the pastel yellow card, brows furrowing in cute concentration.

"Joonie finished!" Seokjin looked to his left and cooed at his own little who held up his own card for 'Uncle Yoonie', a brownie sticking from his mouth with saliva trickled on it, reflecting in the glow of the sunlight slivering through the open blinds. "It pretty, too, Dada?"

"It's very pretty, Joonie, Uncle Yoonie will love it!" Seokjin said gleefully, taking the card from his little's sticky chocolate coated fingers. A smirk etched onto his plush lips upon seeing faint brown smudges on the back of the card.

"We wrap the presents now, Uncle Jinnie?" Jimin asked cutely, lips parted. Seokjin grinned in amusement at the spots of glitter stuck to the younger's mouth. "Jiminie finished Daddy's card!"

Glancing towards the few stacks of gifts by the mantel, the eldest nodded and stood up, stretching. A few cracks were heard and Seokjin sighed satisfyingly. "Of course, you think you two can be my little helpers and get the tape off for me?"

Predictably, both of the littles cheered and shouted their agreements with joyful voices, giggles tumbling from their lips.

"Inside voices, little ones," Seokjin reminded gently.

Skipping over to the gifts they had picked out a few hours earlier, Jimin gathered all his in front of him with reckless excitement while the other little picked his up carefully, admiring the softness of the lion key chain and tiny glass brown eyes, bopping the threaded nose with his finger. An adorable giggle squeezed its way out of Namjoon's throat and his dimples appeared, making his caregiver smile affectionately, ruffling his blonde hair.

"We wrap this first, Uncle Jinnie!" Jimin proclaimed, holding up the rather large snowglobe. "'s Jiminie's favourite!"

Inside the snowglobe was a picture of the couple, Jimin smiling so hard his eyes crinkled up and disappeared. A faint blush covered his chubby cheeks as Yoongi was in the middle of pecking him, his own cheeks reddish. It was the early days of their relationship and the first picture they had taken of them being so close together and showing affection (of course they showed each other love before that, but it hadn't been caught on camera before hence the rosy dust on the composer's complexion). Overall, the picture held a very special memory and Little Jimin had picked it out very carefully with a lot of thought.

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