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Jimin was currently wandering the aisles of their local supermarket, in search of the toddler aisle. He really needed a new paci and decided to quickly get one on his way home from his part time job.

He eventually found the aisle and smiled to himself. It had a woman whose hair was tied in a tight bun, making Jimin wonder how her eyeballs hadn't popped out.

He strolled up to the pacifiers and his eyes brightened. They were so many different colours. Pink ones, blue ones, yellow ones. He didn't know which one to pick. There was even a pacifier with polka-dots.

"It's a bit confusing as a first time parent, isn't it?" Jimin turned to the woman. She was looking at him with a fake smile plastered on her face, making her face wrinkle up.


"I'm a single parent of three kids. You look rather young yourself, so I'm guessing you got some woman knocked up from university and now you're stuck with a newborn?" she rambled. Jimin's eyes widened at her bluntness and his cheeks turned a light pink.

Before he could defend himself, she began prodding at the different pacifiers.

"These ones are for newborns, and them other ones with the green packaging are for around 6 months—"

"I don't have a baby, ma'am," he interrupted politely. She raised her eyebrows and stepped back and Jimin nearly released a breath of relief until she pointed down the aisle.

"The toddler ones are down that way, the red packaging. Is it for your sibling? Niece or nephew?" she asked patiently. Jimin blushed and glanced to the tiled floor.

"No. It's for me." he said quietly but the nosy woman heard him loud and clear and he gasped loudly when she suddenly brought her manicured hand up and slapped him harshly.

"People like you disgust me. I'm glad my kids aren't with me! Don't come near me, you freak or I'll call the police."

With that, the nasty woman walked off, her high heels clicking against the floor loudly. Jimin, still recovering from the shock, was cradling his sore cheek with his small hands, and he quickly ran out of the store, tears threatening to spill.

It was a few hours later when Yoongi came home from the studio, to see Jimin sat on the couch, staring blankly at the screen where a cliche K-Drama was playing. It was clear he wasn't paying attention.

"Babe?" Yoongi called, going to the back of the couch and leaning down, wrapping his strong arms around the younger's neck gently.

"Sorry, hyung, I didn't hear you come in." he apologised. Yoongi frowned as this wasn't like Jimin.

"Are you all right?" he whispered into his boyfriend's ear. Jimin shivered at the sensation, though it was a pleasant feeling.

"Of course." he said, but suddenly, before he could stop himself, tears poured from his eyes and he began sobbing.

Yoongi's eyes widened at the sudden action but before he could react, Jimin began babbling and sniffling.

"Daddy, she was so mean to Minnie! She—she called him names and hit Minnie and it really hurt and Jiminie w-wanted you so, so badly but you were at the studio and—"

"Baby, calm down. Daddy can't understand you. Who hit you? Someone from the cafe?" Yoongi had moved onto the couch now and had pulled the younger onto his lap as he cried into his shirt.

He was trying to control his anger in front of his baby boy, but knowing someone hit him and brought him to tears like this made Yoongi want to punch something, preferably the offender.

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