Chapter 4

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"Acaelia I really think you should stay on the low for awhile this guy just keeps coming back i don't want you getting hurt." Luca says with concern

But let's just take a step back it's the morning after we went to the club and no I'm not hung over at all (do note the sarcasm) the guy that grabbed me well I'm assuming it's him cause he called me that same name kotyonoke or whatever, well somehow he got my number and texted me some perverse shït about lingerie and seeing me soon like no bye creep.

Ok back to what Luca is lecturing me about>>insert eye rolling emoji here

"Ok lucie don't get your panties in a twist. It's not that big of a deal he's just some arshole buissiness man that thinks he's all that and a bag of chips but believe me lucie I have dealt with guys worse than this before so please stop worrying." I reply non chalantly while reaching behind him to get a banana for my smoothie

Did I mention we were in the kitchen? No? My bad my bad it was a long night ok sue me.

"I can't help but worry that guy is bad news." He says with a loud sigh

"What do you mean bad news, I'm sure he's not even that bad." I say rolling my eyes

I gather up all the ingredients for my smoothie and just before I press the button to blend it all together I say

"Stop worrying I can handle it, screw off would ya?"

Then immediately press the button cause I know he's gonna lecture me on how I should stay safe blah blah blah

I can take care of my self well when I'm sober atleast.

I can tell by Lucas face he's getting more and more aggravated. I pull the plug on the blender and grab a cup to pour it in

" look stop worrying I will be fine I always am, bye sugarplum." I say grabbing my smoothie and keys while heading for the door

"Where do you think yo.." that's all I hear Luca say before I slam the door.

I head towards my lime green Jeep awe my baby.

It's always been my dream car ever since I could remember jeeps are just wonderful especially my lime green one!

I head towards the gym hoping my sparring partner jake would be there for Some reason he enjoys getting beat up by me. I'm just kidding he doesn't like it at all but for some reason he keeps coming back.

I arrive at the gym and send a nod to Marcus one of the workers here at the gym, Marcus is your average bodybuilder. Extremely large but lacks when it comes to endurance. Very nice eye candy though I must admit. Eye candy definitely isn't a shortage at this gym as it's mostly used by local gangs and badboy wannabes, it's on neutral territory so it's relatively safe. I would advise to always keep a weapon on you though, some of the lower ranked gangs are thirsty for power and the only way to get power is to kill. It's a dog eat dog world people.

"Baby I haven't seen you in ages." Says a husky voice. Jake

"Hey jakey, I'm looking for a challenge today you up for it or should I go ask Marcus?" I say teasingly

"Of course I'm up for the challenge babe this is my lucky day." He says while wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close.

I hate hugs ugh but he does smell good

I grab his arm and pull him into while connecting my knee with his manly bits.

" never let your guard down babe." I say to him mockingly

I throw my bag to the ground next to the fighting ring, I step in not bothering to wrap my knuckles.

" Never keep a lady waiting." I say bordly to jake

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