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🌚 2.28.16

I work at the coffee shop down the corner.
I saw my favorite girl today
She has long black hair and shining green eyes.
Shes so beautiful.. I think about her all the time. Obviously I'm just another girl to her though. Her standards must be way higher.
I don't care though. I'll still look at her long black hair and her shining green eyes and call her my moon. I don't think I'll ever have the courage to talk to her. Even if I do, she's probably straight.
Whether she knows it or not
She is my moon
I love her
I'm dramatic
She will always come to my coffee shop and order the same thing. I make sure I make her coffee extra carefully so that maybe one day she notices how much I care for her
The funny thing is...
I don't much about her.. but I don't need to know anything. Her green eyes already talk me and they let me know that I'm not crazy.
Every time I see her eyes and hear her raspy voice, it tells everything I should write in my diary when I get home.
This isn't just any girl either,
I have a special connection with her. All it takes is her presence to send tingles down my spine and remind me why I fell in love with her in the first place.
If only she knew then maybe she could help me out of the closet..
Karla xxx

Err this is so sappy

Moonlight | 🌙Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz