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"Love is a blessing"

I woke the next morning. The fact it seemed like a dream when I woke. I had to blink and wake a second time. But there she was. Sleeping on my shoulder. I never saw a more beautiful sight. Brenda. I smile as I hold her close to me.

I wrap my arms around her. My teenage broken heart over her was starting to heal. She had gone through the same thing as I had. At the same time. Not being able to get over me. She loved me. Like I loved her.

Would I be able to talk Brenda into moving out to Washington. D.C. with me? Or was I going to have to move back home? I was sure we had a lot to talk about. Because I wanted this to be our forever.

I know this was our first date. But I was already planning in my head how I was going to ask Brenda to marry me. We had just waited for song long to be together. I was sure Brenda would feel the same way I was feeling. I always wanted to marry her. She was and is my dream girl.

Suddenly Brenda rolls over off of me. She hugs her pillow. Smiling. I stretch. I yawn. I slip out of bed without waking her up. Then head downstairs. I wanted to surprise her. I begin to whip up breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast. All of it. Then I get a tray out from a closet. My mother used to make us all birthday breakfast every year when I was growing up.

She would bring up a tray of breakfast to us in bed. I used to love that. I then get a glass of juice. I wait as the coffee finishes brewing. Then make a cup of coffee. I add some sugar packets. And then spoons with a fork. Then head up the stairs with the tray. Brenda was awake. She was sitting up in bed.

Her messy hair was piled up on top of her head. But her smile was bright and cheery. She looked as happy as I felt this morning. I bring her the tray of food. Then set it on her lap gently. I sit beside her on the bed. I kiss her cheek. Then reach over for my phone. It had a ton of messages waiting for me. Work would have to wait. Brenda was here. I waited long enough for her.


"Hey morning" she tells me. She leans in kissing me on the lips. Both her hands on my cheeks as she does. I smile as she kisses me. My heart feeling full of love for her.

"Morning. How did you sleep last night?" I question her.

"Like a dream. And you?" she asks me.

"Wonderful. I made you breakfast. I brought you coffee and juice. I was not sure what you would like the most. So, I just brought both" I chuckle.

"Aaron, you are so sweet. I love you" she replies with a happy twinkle in her eyes.

"I love you to Brenda" I reply. I smile at her.

"I had to say it again. The more I say it to you out loud the more real it becomes. I was almost worried I dreamt it all when then I woke in your bed. I was scared I would wake to find it was all a dream" she laughs. She smiles. She fixes up her coffee. Then takes a sip.

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