Ch.5 Death is Not a Problem

Start from the beginning

But they were startlingly familiar.

With a jolt, Piper recognized them.

It was her fake memory of her and Jason.

Why was she seeing this?

“That, I can believe,” Jason replied, and kissed Piper.

Watching this, Piper subconsciously touched her lips in memory.

This was when she was happy, before being thrust into this nonstop nightmare.

As the comets continued to race across the sky, Piper thought of one thing.

She was dead.


Hazel and Frank both awoke together.

“Hazel, what’s happening?” he asked, but she did not answer him. Instead she was staring in awe in front of them.

Frank turned to look and froze in shock as well.

It was them.

Past them at least.

They were walking down the streets of New Rome, just after their first quest.

Walking hand in hand, Hazel laughing at a cheesy joke Frank had made.

She stood on her toes and kissed Frank’s cheek, causing him to blush.

As they watched this memory, Hazel’s hand found its way into Franks much larger one.

This was when they were happy; it was so recent, what went wrong?

But as the streets of New Rome faded, Frank grabbed Hazel in a hug.

They had both thought the same thing.

They were dead.


Suddenly, all five demigods appeared in one room.

“Jason!” Piper screamed as she lunged for her boyfriend, holding him tightly.

“Where are we and where our weapons guys?” Leo asked nervously, looking around the strange room.

And strange it was indeed.

It had the traditional feel of a Greek Temple with the pillars and marble but the designs were otherworldly.

Constantly shifting into something new, the deities expressed in the marble were not gods the demigods have seen before.

“I see you were shaken by the memories,” stated a calm voice from the altar at the end of the room.

“Who are you? Why did you take us here? What happened to the war?” Jason fired questions off, but quieted as the figure raised its hand.

“Actually, you must mean who are we?”

Another figure appeared next to the first one.

“Fine then,” Piper agreed, she could feel the power radiating off them.

Suddenly, the two figures both vanished and reappeared in front of the demigods, causing them to flinch back.

“Don’t be afraid of us, for we are not your enemy,” spoke the one dressed in rich white robes, with a simple hood over her bowed face.  Massive amount of energy leaked from their very presence.

“Who are you?” Jason asked nervously.

Instead of answering, the two deities just flipped their hoods off.

“Percy? Annabeth? What’s going on?” Hazel stammered.

At this, their two friends beckoned them to follow, as they walked deeper into the temple.

“What we tell you will sound utterly ridiculous but we swear on the Styx that everything we speak is true,”

“Percy, what’s going on, why are you speaking in riddles?” Leo exclaimed.

“We,” Annabeth answered instead, “Are actually immortals, this is our- was our mortal form,”

“Then who are you, who are you really?” Frank said.

“We are the First Born, the Creators,” Percy spoke, trying to hide an amused smile.


“Fine,” he said throwing his arms up, “My true name is Chaos and my wife’s name is Order formerly Annabeth Chase,"

Their friends stared at them blankly before throwing themselves to the ground in a bow.

“No my friends, do not fear us, for we will respect you as equals,” Percy now Chaos answered.

“In that case,” Leo said, standing back up, “When did you get so smart?”

“Centuries of information and a very wise partner,” Chaos said, smiling at Order.

“Okay, enough with the pleasantries,” Order clapped her hands, making everyone jump.

“The war with our daughter is going poorly, we need you to return to battle,”

“Wait, hold up. Two things; first of all, we are dead so we can’t return, and second, Dirt Face is your daughter?” Leo injected.

“We created the universe, the Protogenoi are our children. And Leo, death is no matter for beings of our magnitude,” smirked Chaos


Hey Pixels!!!

So this is setting up the last battle chapter. Vote and comment!

Dedication to @SamMiller14 for threatening me with the wrath of the fans!

Catch ya on the flipside Pixels!


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