Chapter 15: Name of Sin

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Third Person's POV
"The battle is already drawing near." Akame thought as she cleans the blade of her katana.

"Right after I finish you Kurome, I'll finish Esdeath for you." She added in mind.

She placed her both hands on her chest, "Kurome, your suffering will soon be over, dear sister." She mumbled.

"Akame!" Mine called.

Akame turned to her, "What?"
"It is time to go." Mine replied.

Akame nod her head.

At the palace...
As Yukina and Freya served the Jaengers, one of the palace guards came.

"Captain Esdeath, our men saw Akame and Mine at cliffside outside the town." The guard said, "We also saw Night Raid's reinforcements at the other side, outside of town." He added.

"Very well then. Kurome, Bols, Wave and Finn will take on Akame and Mine. While me, Seryuu and Run will go to the other side." Esdeath said.

Kurome smiled, as she knows that this is her chance to kill her sister, while Finn frowns a bit, "They might've started their plan already." He mumbled.

"Let's go!" Esdeath ordered.

"Excuse me, Miss Esdeath?" Yukina intruded.
She turned to the black haired girl, "Yes?"

"Me and Freya will join you. Please!" Yukina begged.

Esdeath sighed, "Okay! You'll be with Kurome and the others." She replied.

The Jaengers and Yukina and Freya head out to do their job. Little did they know, Yukina and Freya was part of Night Raid.

At the cliffside...
Kurome and the others arrived at their location.

Mine, whom was hiding behind the trees, ready to give a surprise attack.

"It go quite as plan. And well done Yukina and Freya." Mine mumbled as she aims.

When she attacked, Kurome immediately dodged.

"What the--?!" Mine reacted.

Kurome smiled.

Night Raid then showed up as Mine also.

"Th-they are all here!" Wave said in surprised.

Yukina and Freya then pulled out their weapons, "Include us too...." Yukina smirked.

"I knew it!" Finn mumbled.

Mine immediately threw Wave away, or kind of shoot him, sending him afar from them.

"Why did you do that?!" Finn shrieked.
"Just so you know, only you three are our targets." Leone explained.

"How delightful!" Kurome said as she raised her sword up, rising the dead, "Wonder how many will die?" She said with a smile.

They then fought as Kurome hid at the high surface of their surroundings waiting for the right time to attack.

Akame, Karma, and  fought some of Kurome's puppets, while Mine and Leone fight Bols.

Freya and Yukina run up to Finn, anf pointed their swords at him.

"Looks like it ends here, Finn..." Yukina smirked.

Freya is still dilemma if she is going to kill him or not. She tightens the grip of her sword as she grits her teeth.

"Yes! Because it is your end!" Finn said as he attacks.

He first attacked then Yukina.

"Two versus one? This is ineresting." He said.

Yukina pulled out her teigu, "Eliminate!" She said as she placef yhe before her mouth. However Finn dodged the attack.

Akame ga Kill: Kill the MidnightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz