Chapter 4: The Jaengers

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The navy blue-haired boy stared at Freya for a few seconds and then he puts her down.

"You okay?" The boy asked.

Freya nodded as she stared at him."Th-thanks..." she said.
"I'm Wave by the way." He introduced, "You?"
"Freya...." said Freya as she smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Said Wave, "Oh I got to go! See you!" He said as he runs off.

Freya stood there as she waves goodbye.

Soon, Lubbock, Tatsumi and Yukina came. "Freya you okay?" Yukina asked. Freya did not respond, she just stood there.

"Huh?" Tatsumi, Lubbock and Yukina stood next to her confused.

Lubbock then snapped his fingers infront of Freya and said, "Earth to Freya....hello! Freya...". Freya snapped out of her trance.

"Wha-ah...yes?" She stammered.
"You okay?" Tatsumi asked.
"What? Me.....oh, yes I'm fine." Replied Freya, "Let's go! Let's report this back to Boss." She added and runs back to the base.

Yukina, Lubbock and Tatsumi stood there confusely, and went back to base.

Night Raid's hideout or base...
"Very well then. Luckily you managed to retrieve this Teigu, Black Marlin." Said the Boss. "Yeah very lucky." Lubbock said.

Freya sat at the couch having deep thoughts, "Boss?" She called.
"Yeah?" The Boss turned to Freya.
"You have any detail about the Jaengers?" Freya asked. "Only a few details. One of the imperial guards works there and her name is Seryuu, one of them is a doctor named Doctor Stylish." The Boss replied, "And one of them are from the outskirts, so he did not grew up here and his name is Wave." She added.

Freya's eyes widened. "Does that mean the boy who saved me earlier is one of the Jaengers? His name is Wave, so he is one of the Jaengers." Freya thought in her mind, "I must keep this a secret for awhile.".

"The rest, I haven't know yet. But I am working hard on finding them out. Now off to bed. It is almost 10." The Boss ordered.

The next day...
Yukina's POV
The sun shone on my eyes as I get up. I then remember that Tatsumi owes me a favor. "Better go look for him." I thought.

I went to the living room finding Mine and Akame sitting there. "Hey! You guys seen Tatsumi?" I asked. "Tatsumi left with Lubbock and Leone. They said they have to do something important." Mine answered. "And the Boss is out. Maybe searching for new comrades." Akame added. I sat next to Mine, "Oh okay." I said.

I sat there as I looked around wondering where is Freya... "Say, where is Freya?" I asked. "Freya went out and we have no idea where she went." Akame replied.

I started to wonder, Freya never left without letting know where she is going.

"So it is just us?" I asked. They nod their heads. "Wanna go kill some danger beast?" I offered. "You sure know how to make things not boring." Mine said as she grabbed Pumpkin.

After that, we head out to search for Danger Beasts.

After a few assassinating beasts, we went back to base.

We then saw Leone and Lubbock along with Freya standing by the door but Tatsumi was not with them. We immediately rushed to them. "Where is Tatsumi?" Akame asked. "Tatsumi...oh uhm....well...." Leone stammered.

We went inside and head to the meeting room to discuss.

Third Person's POV
"What do you mean Tatsumi was captured by Esdeath?!" Yukina shrieked. "I don't know. The last time I saw him is him being dragged by Esdeath to the palace." Leone said. "With a pet's collar of course." Lubbock added.

Mine stared at Akame. Akame who is in charge, decided that they will save Tatsumi from Esdeath.

"Guys." Freya interrupted. They all looked at her. "Last night, I kinda met a member of The Jaengers." She said nervously. "You met one of the Jaengers..." said Mine. Freya nodded as she sighed. "Why did you not tell us earlier?" Lubbock asked. "His name is Wave. And I think he could be the key to save Tatsumi to save from this kind of situation." She said confidently. "If you say so." Akame said, "Now let's go!"

At the palace...
"I have to get back to base." Tatsumi thought in mind as he stared at Esdeath and the others.

"Boss said, Esdeath leads the group called the Jaengers. They must be the Jaengers." He thought.

"Everyone, meet Tatsumi. He is going to be my partner in love." Said Esdeath as she looks at Tatsumi.

"Damn it! Among all men, why me?" Thought Tatsumi. Tatsumi's eyes wandered around as soon as his eyes landed on girl with brown hair tied up into ponytail with a small dog standing next to it.

"The girl who killed Sheele." He thought. The brown-haired girl smiled at him as she pats his head, "We have met before, right? Do you remember me?" She said. Tatsumi wished to yell at her however he can't. He just replied back, "Yeah. Hey Seryuu." He murmured.

Then again, Tatsumi's eyes wandered once again as he saw a short black-haired girl. "She looks just like Akame." He thought once again.

"Tatsumi, meet your fellow new comrades." Said Esdeath. She pointed at the masked guy, "This is Bols, the guy next to him with navy blue hair is Wave. And the blonde one is Run." She added and pointed at the girl who looks like Akame, "And this is Kurome.".

Tatsumi's POV
So her name is Kurome.
I was in Esdeath's room, and we have a little conversation for awhile. Until she suggested me that I will sleep here in her room. "Okay, I'll sleep at the sofa." I said nervously. She immediately held my hand, "Let's share a bed, and I promise nothing will happen between us." She said.

I turned red, I snatched my hand away. "I forgot to shower!" I said and about to leave the room. "If you try to make strange things around the palace you might get caught." She said. "I'll be safe!" I said and ran out.

I walked around the palace, thinking on how to escape. However, if I try to make a strange move...I might get caught. "I'll just look around the palace and try to chitchat with other Jaengers member. I might get some info." I thought.

I then saw Run. "Tatsumi." He called. Perfect timing!

We went to the dining room and talked there.

"So Run, are you from the outskirts?" I asked. He did not reply.

He sighed and spoke, "However, I use to teach in an old school.".

Oh, so he's a teacher before.

"Well do you own a teigu?" I asked. He nods, "Manestama. A winged teigu." He responded.

Hmm...I wonder what trump card does he had.

"So how did Esdeath find you?" I asked again. He tilts his head in confusion. "Wait? Your asking me deep questions that seems like you want to know something. Like you want get a certain info about the Jaengers." He said.

Damn! Act normal! Act normal!

I was about to panic when I sighed deeply. "Hehe, just want to get to know more about the Jaengers so I can fit in!" I replied nervously. "Okay." He said and then left.

I almost got caught. However, I manage to get few details about the Jaengers.

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