Chapter 14: Let the River Run

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Yukina's POV
I sighed in defeat....

In the corner of my eye, I saw something spark.

I went over there and saw a small circle with black and white colors.

"Finn!" I called.

He run up to me and saw the circle.

"Woah!" He was amazed.

"The same circle that brought us here."

In all of a sudden, the circle shined. In a flash, we were back at the forest.

"We're back." He said.

I immediately held his hand and dragged him back to the palace.

"I bet everyone is looking for us." I said.

Finn's POV
What is this feeling?

"W-wait!" I snatched my hand away and stopped making her stop too.

"We can go to the palace without holding hands, right?" I asked nervously.

She looked at me.

"Suit yourself! It's dark and hope you don't get lost." She said and walked away.

"Wh-what?! Yukina, wait up!" I chased her.

She turned and saw me running up to her fast. Since I'm running fast, I tripped and accidentally fall on her.

"Uhm....I guess I can't control my speed when I'm scared?" I said nervously.

She looked at me sternly, "Mind you get off?" She said.

I immediately get up and helped her up.

She stared at me, then laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

She pointed at my face, "Your face is red! You look like a tomato!!" She said between her laughs.

I covered my face, "I-it is not f-funny." I replied.

She stopped and smiled, "You're cute when you look like that." She said.

I remained silent as my spine tingles and ears turned red from what she said.

"Anyways, don't tell anyone that I'm from Night Raid." She said and winks. She left and went back to the palace.

What the--?!

"Is she messing with me or what? I'm pretty sure she said that to lure me down to a trap." I thought and I trailed her behind.

"Your evil schemes can't hypnotize me."

I realized, we were alone in the forest. This is a perfect chance to attack and kill! But why can't I do it?

Something is stopping me....

At the palace...
Everything seems quiet.

Until we saw Captain Esdeath along with the rest of the Jaengers.

"Captain!" I called.

She immediately heard our call and run up to us.

"Finn, Yukina! Glad you two are back!" She said.

She immediately brought us inside the palace.

"Yukina!" Freya was the first one who greeted Yukina.

"Freya, I haven't gone for a year!" Yukina exaggerated.

"I know! But I was worried!" She said as she escorts Yukina back to their room.

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