Chapter 5: Family Ties

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Tatsumi's POV
I wandered around for awhile right after I talked with Run. Until I bumped into someone.

The person lose its balance as it sat on the ground. I looked down, seeing a child on the floor. "I'm sorry." I apologized. He looked up to me, "Do be careful, especially when you bumped into an emperor like me." He said.

Wait! He's the emperor. He is just a child. How come?!

I then remember, during my first day I met Lady Aria which I thought she's a kind person but a sadist. One of her guards said that the emperor is just a child.

Guess he's right.

"My apologies your majesty." I said and ran off. "Hold right there!" He called.

I turned, "Y-yes?" I said nervously. "Who are you?" He asked.

I sighed, "My name is Tatsumi. General Esdeath took me in." I replied. "Are you one of the General's relatives?" He asked.

I gulped nervously, "Well, she said that she is inlove with me. And I'll be her partner in love." I replied nervously. "So you are her suitor. Very well then." He said, "Have a good night Tatsumi." He added.

I then head back to Esdeath's room.

"Hmm...what took you so long?" She asked. "Uh..." is all what I'm able to utter. I started to yawn, a fake yawn. "I'm sleepy, Night!" I said as I head to the sofa.

She then pulled me to her bed, and went to sleep.

Men, I can't even sleep!

I became her body pillow.

Third Person's POV
Meanwhile with Night Raid...
It took all night for the group to search for Tatsumi, and waiting for Tatsumi get a little afar from Esdeath

While Yukina on the otherhand, stays outside the castle as she covers her self up with a black coat and red eye mask. Calling herself, Cosmina. Since Cosmina is the former user of her teigu.

As Yukina peeped at each window, she finally found Tatsumi on Esdeath's room.

She peeked through the window not making a sound. She immediately went to look for Akame to report that she finally found Tatsumi inside the palace.

The next day...
Tatsumi and The Jaengers head out to Fake Mountain to scout for Danger Beasts and to slay them.

On the other hand, Akame and Yukina stayed on Tatsumi's tail waiting for him to get away from the Jaengers.

As soon as Tatsumi freely escaped from the Jaengers, Akame and Yukina went to action.

"I sense Tatsumi over there!" Yukina said as she pointed out to her right. "We're coming Tatsumi." Akame mumbled.

As soon as Akame and Yukina able to find Tatsumi, they immediately brought him back to base.

Freya's POV
While Akame and Yukina bring Tatsumi back to base, I was sent to distract the boy whose name is Wave. The one I met that night.

I looked around searching for him. When I heard a familiar voice speaking.

"That Night Raider won't be able escape from me since I'm the Man of the Sea." It said.

I followed the sound and found a guy wearing a navy blue armor. I can feel that he is staring at me. He then called my name, "Freya?".

My eyes widened. He then took off his armor, seeing a navy blue-haired boy infront of me. It is Wave. "Wave...." I mumbled.

"How you doing?" We asked at the same time. "Oh I'm fine." We replied at the same time.

There was silence.

Until he dragged me to his side as he shouts, "Watch out!" He shouted. I turned around as soon as I'm behind his back, seeing a danger beast.

He ran up to it, about to slay it. I pulled out my sword and ran towards it and sliced the beast to pieces slaying it.

There, out, I can see Akame, Tatsumi and Yukina making their move.

"Perhaps, this is enough. They gotten far from the Jaengers." I thought. I turned to Wave, "Hey you're pretty good at it." He said. I smiled, "I got to go! Bye!" I said and head out.

Back at the base...
"Thanks to Freya, she is able to distract that guy with Tatsumi for a short period of time." Lubbock said, "Hey Freya, you free tonight?" He smirked as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

I stood up as Lubbock fell down on the floor on his face. "Shut your mouth you idiot." I said angrily.

"Also, thanks to Tatsumi, we are able to find out more about the Jaengers." Said Yukina as she smiled. "However...." Akame uttered, "I can't believe Kurome is one of them." She added. "Ooh.....sisters in a fight." I mumbled. "Akame, when you left the Empire, why didn't you bring your sister with you?" Asked Tatsumi.

She sighed, "She chose to stay behind." She replied.

I can feel Akame's situation for now, I know my siblings will be safe for now but not forever.

Ever since I lost my parents and Henrik, I always kept my eye onto the Emperor, especially the Prime Minister.

When my father died, my mom immediately reported this to the palace and to the Emperor and the Prime Minister. But what did they do? They threw my mom out of the palace ignoring her report. After that, My mom died.

Losing someone you love, and one of your loved ones will be your enemies.

I stood up from my seat with my mind blank, and went to my room.

My dear siblings, I will always protect you. I looked out the window, I still wondered...Finn has been gone for too long. I tried to search for him however I failed. Where are you my dear brother?

Third Person's POV
Back at the palace...
After Wave being punished by Esdeath, he immediately went to his room to rest.

He lied down on his bed as he stared up at the ceiling. He sighed. Someone then knocked on his door.

Wave opened the door seeing a short black-haired girl standing in the doorway.

"Kurome?" He mumbled.
"The Boss is calling up for a meeting." She said.

At the Meeting Room....
"I suppose you now know what the consequences will be once you fail or did something wrong." Said Esdeath as she sat down on a chair.

She smiled, "For now, I have surprise for you all." She added.
"A surprise?" Seryuu wondered.

She smirked, "There will be a new member that'll be joining our group." Said Esdeath. "Did it live here or came from the outskirts?" Wave asked.
"As far as I know, he came from the outskirts to learn being an assassin and become a great warrior. He is also able to kill many criminals within a day or a night. However, he grew up here." Replied Esdeath, "And he'll be here by tomorrow morning." She added.

Outskirts of the capital....
A guy with black hair, navy blue jacket and a light brown undershirt and dark brown pants with a pair of black leathered shoes riding on a horse looked out the capital, knowing he is almost there to reach the capital.

He smiled. "The capital, I'm back." He said, "Looks like I'll be seeing you my dear siblings, Especially you, My dear big sister, Freya." He grinned.

Akame ga Kill: Kill the MidnightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ