Chapter 2

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The horned one squirmed, attempting to escape the rats' hold, but their grip was firm, the horned one couldn't break free.

The rats carried the horned one one through tunnels. It was labyrinth with forked paths and bends. The horned one moved its emerald eyes to and fro, anxiously searching for a way to escape. Soon, it noticed the strange growths that coiled on the walls. Woody roots golden like the rat's armor stuck to the walls as if they holding it from collapsing.

The tunnel they were carrying the horned one grew brighter and brighter. Soon it was as bright as a well lit room. The tunnel ended with a door that led to a wall of light. The rats stepped through, and the tunnel was left behind as a wall of darkness.

The rats entered a large cavern. They stopped for a moment to allow their eyes adjust to the light. The horned one's mouth was agape as the view welcomed its eyes.

The roof of the large cavern was domed. A city made of what appears to be gold occupied the middle of the cavern. Buildings made of same stuff as the rats' armor stood proud and tall. They were in neat arrangements, and in rectangular shapes. In the middle of it all was the tallest structure of them all. It was a spire so tall that it almost touched the ceiling. It was straight and unwavering, inspiring awe to those that behold it. Atop it was a bright light that shined relentlessly. It was as bright as the sun is, and bathed the golden city in pure light.

The rats continued on to the city with the horned one in tow. The horned marveled at the city's beauty up close. The walls of buildings were carved and decorated to appear to be made of brick and metal. Street poles of coiling roots with colorful hanging lanterns adorned the streets.

Rats of all ages roamed the streets. Many of them were lean. Children played street games on streets without care, and seemed follow the armored ones with their eyes. Adults went on there merry ways, waving to every fellow they come on their way, but they seemed to avoid contact with the rats that carried the horned one. The average adult citizen was a head shorter than the rat guards.

The rats carried the horned one to a golden fort. They descended inside it, where it was dark and dank. The golden walls soon gave way to grey walls. The horned one was left inside a cell at the bottom. There were many cells, but many of them were empty or only filled with skeletons.

The cells themselves were featureless at best, with an occasional root protruding the wall and roof. Numerous scratches on the walls were left behind by previous occupants. The dullness seemed to sap the energy from the horned one's core.

The rats that carried the horned one left it to the rat that wardened the dungeon. The rat warden watched over the horned one as it got accustomed to the cell. The rat warden sat in a spot where all the cells could easily be observed.

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