Chapter 30: Stacking the Cards

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DJ tramples down the path between the Elites and the Council that she has come to know all too well. 'I can't wait to never walk down this damn trail ever again,' she growls mentally.

'I can't wait to tell the truth,' she adds.

She looks down at her well worn combat boots. She's about to push a hole through the toe and there's already a hole in the bottom that she covered with duct tape.

"I can't wait to get new shoes," she says quietly out loud.

"I can't wait to unpack my stuff somewhere and not have to immediately leave. I can't wait to be with my friends all together again. I can't wait to feel a hint of normality again," she mutters, getting angrier the longer the list gets.

'It's not like it matters. Things will never be normal again. I can't erase my lies, I can't even guarantee my friends will still want to be my friends. I might not ever get a place to unpack my stuff, to feel safe in.'

She shakes off the cold and her thoughts quickly. Upon arriving at the Council, she sees Todd sitting on the steps. The rifle is draped awkwardly over his lap and the sight almost makes her laugh.

"You even know how to use that thing?" she calls. He jumps, causing the gun to clatter down the steps. He scrambles after it and holds it in his lanky arms.

"Oh God, DJ, you scared me to death," he pants. "If I were anybody else I might have shot you!"

"I can tell.  And that's why I yelled." She shakes her head with a slight smile playing on her lips.

"I hate being on watch, but Tripp said I was annoying him inside so he sent me out here. I don't even know what I would do if an actual threat came by," he breathes heavily, still startled from DJ's sudden appearance.

"We'd be in trouble," DJ jokes, hitting him gently in the shoulder and she passes.

"Oh hey, DJ," Todd calls and she turns to face him. "There's someone inside for you." He smiles. DJ's eyes light for a second and then she nods quickly, rushing inside.


    Laken sits on the edge of her cot, her wet hair dripping onto the mattress. Her face is bare of dirt and grime now. She stares at her clean hands that just a few moments ago were soaked in blood. 'Are these even still my hands?' she questions, rubbing her rough fingertips together.

    'How many monsters did you kill out there?' she asks herself, 'Do you even remember?'

    Images flash through her head; blood soaked leaves, bony hands grabbing at her ankles, her machete sinking into a lurker's skull. She squints her eyes shut and opens them again quickly, ridding her mind of the haunting memories.

    'You may be clean physically, but you'll never be clean of the things you did while you were out there; of the person you become when you're out there.'

    Tears sting in her eyes and she wipes them away quickly just as there is a knock on the door. She stands, "Come in."

    Lucas pops his head gently around the door. "Hey," he whispers.

    "Hey," she says quietly, sitting back down.

    "Do you feel any better?" he asks, sitting next to her. He takes in how different she looks from earlier to now. 'Is it possible that she looks more broken now than before?' he asks himself.

    She shakes her head no. "Do any of us ever feel better?" she asks.

    "I feel better knowing you're here and not out there. I feel better knowing that you're safe and I always feel better when I'm with you," Lucas flirts in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Chronicles of the Fall- #1- Empty NightWhere stories live. Discover now