Chapter 13: It's Snowing Ashes

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    The days go by, turning to weeks, which then slowly turns into a month. The last traces of the summer warmth has all but vanished, letting the autumn chill seep into the land, signalling the coming winter. The shorts and t-shirts have been stored at the back of the tiger cage in favour of the warmer clothes that were packed and pilfered.

    The rations run low; there is no more soup, only cans of vegetables. Most of the group's jerky is gone, and that remains are a few large bags of trail mix and half of the bag of rice DJ had brought.

    Stomachs rumble always, each member of the group working hard, sunrise until sunset, to see that the zoo is kept safe. However, running on half a tank every day takes a toll on anybody, and soon even Tripp cannot function as well as he could...


    "I don't see another option, we have to start cutting rations or we'll all starve!" DJ yells over the rowdy group.

    "We're starving now!" Todd pipes up. Jackson, Cora, and Lucas stand ready to charge the pantry where the food is kept.

    "If you eat what's left now, then what will we eat in a week? In a month, we'll be dead!" Laken agrees with her best friend.

    "I can't keep living like this, I'm hungry!" Jackson says, stepping up and waving his arms in the air dramatically.

    "DJ's right," Tripp sighs, and silence falls among the group.

    "If we eat what little we have now, we won't last another 2 weeks. We'll go on a run. We don't have another choice," he says. The fatigue and hunger can be heard in his voice; in everyone's voices. DJ blinks, taken aback that Tripp is taking her side for once.

    "Obviously I'm in," she says, and she is echoed by Hampton.

    "I'll go too," Talon says, nodding.

    "I'll go." Cora says, stepping up. Jackson's hand wraps around her arm to pull her back.

    "Hell no you won't, you'll get yourself killed," he says.

    "I'm not going to sit here and let myself starve. I'm going," she insists harshly, jerking her arm out of his grip.

    "Then I'm going too," Jackson huffs stubbornly.

    "We need you here, with Lucas. To keep the place safe while we're gone," Tripp tells him, standing.

    "I'll keep her safe," DJ assures, nodding to Jackson.

    "Whatever," Jackson growls before storming off.

    "Pack up the truck, we leave as soon as possible," Tripp says, and the group scatters to obey. Laken rushes to DJ.

    "I want to help," she says, but DJ shakes her head.

    "Stay here; keep everything in check. I need you to be here with Faith," she tells Laken, who then sighs.

    "I've always hated when you're right," she says, giving her friend slight smile. DJ tries to return it, but only the ghost of a smile touches the corners of her mouth; she doesn't smile much anymore...

    Cora heads off to find Jackson, to help calm him down.
    'He treats me like a child, but I can handle myself better than he can,' she thinks while shaking her head.
    She finds him moping by the stream, picking up pebbles and chucking them halfheartedly into the water.
    "I'm going to be okay, you know," Cora starts. Jackson refuses to look at her, instead keep his gaze riveted across the water.

    "I don't want you to be away from me. You've seen some of the things that can happen out there," he mumbles.

    "And you've seen me out there. You know I'll be fine," she argues.

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