Chapter 28: A Knowledgeable Has-been

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Over the next few weeks, the temperature continues to drop. The trees are now bare and brown. The air chills through the survivors bones quickly, especially DJ who spends her time roaming the mountains between the Elites and the Council on her 'search' for Laken. Every time she makes the trip back to Elites she prays that Laken will be sitting on the front steps waiting for her, however it's never true. She hopes that her best friend has just found somewhere warm to stay for a few weeks, but she fears the worst.

"You know what Tripp will do if she comes back empty handed," Lucas whispers to her.

"She won't," DJ growls. 'She won't.' She repeats this to herself all day, every day.

    At the Elites, Vealy is rarely with the group anymore. He seems to prefer to be by himself. When DJ asks where he is, the answer is always on a run, with no further details.

    "DJ, why don't you ever stay the night? I know you're tired," Hampton says, sitting down beside her.

    "Laken is out there somewhere. One night could be the difference between her life and her death," she mutters, already shoving her things back into her bookbag. He grabs her hand quickly. She contemplates jerking it away, but instead lets him hold her for a moment.

    "Damn it DJ, maybe it's time we accept the truth," he whispers harshly. His eyes are sharp and painful.

'He truly believes she's dead. I'm causing him this pain. How can I do this to him?' DJ thinks sadly.

    "And if she is? You really think I can move on and have peace knowing that she's stumbling around out there? Don't you think she at least deserves rest?" she yells suddenly, quieting the rest of the conversation in the small room. Faith watches solemnly, already looking as though she might cry. Hampton bites his lip hard.

    "You don't have to do it alone," he says, almost pleading, squeezing her hand. DJ's chest pounds and she pulls her hand away.

    "You don't get it," she grits through her teeth, slinging her bag on her shoulder and heading for the door. Hampton clenches his fists for a moment before standing up.

    "We're not doing this again!" Hampton screams, following her out the door. She stops a few feet outside, turning to face him. He stands before her, huffing in the cold air, his face twisted in anger, pain, and confusion.

DJ stands strong, her eyes empty. 'How many times will this make? How much longer, how many more times will I lie to their faces?' she wonders.

    "What the hell do you mean I don't get it? I've lost her too, DJ!" Hampton cries, his breath misting white across the coldness between them. "And if you really want to think about it, I've lost you, too. I don't even know you anymore, DJ," he says softly. Even with the distance between them, DJ feels Hampton's pain. Her heart breaks for him and for a moment, she contemplates telling him the truth. She feels tears sting in the back of her eyes but she refuses to let them fall. Her eyes glance to Faith, Talon, and Owen standing awkwardly on the steps, watching the scene unfold.

    So DJ does what she does best. She pushes him away. Her face falls and with an empty voice she replies, "You're right, Hamp. You don't." With that, she retreats into the woods behind them, leaving the scene still and quiet. Only the whistle of the cold wind and the exhaling of Hampton's breath fill the air.


    "She's just worried about Laken. She might still find her," Faith says hopefully, looking up to meet Hampton's eyes. Hampton has retreated into his own mind for the rest of the night, staring into space for long periods of time.

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