Chapter 22: Sheep Among Wolves

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Laken takes a deep breath, staring at the large observatory through the trees.

    'What if they shoot me on sight?' she worries, feeling her heartbeat increase. She searches for someone on guard but sees no one, so she walks quietly through the woods to the other side, where she immediately freezes at the sound of movement.

She drops to the ground, her eyes focusing on the deck that surrounds the observatory. She hears footsteps. Her breathing becomes quick and short. She lets out a soft sigh of relief when she sees Lucas, gun strap around his shoulder, step into sight.

"Lucas," she whispers, just loud enough for him to hear as she stands up. His gun is immediately pointed at the surrounding trees, his arms becoming tense. She steps out of the treeline, her hands above her head.

"It's me, don't shoot," she says, watching his face relax as he recognizes her face. His eyes widen.

"No way! I thought you were dead," he says, immediately throwing the gun back over his shoulder. He rushes to her, grabbing her into a hug. She smiles softly, wrapping her arms around his back.

"You alone?" he asks, looking around. She nods solemnly.

    "Oh," he says, his face dropping. "Well, come on. Let's get inside." He pulls her up the steps to the deck. The door opens in front of them right as Lucas's hand reaches for the handle.

    "Luke, I'm gonna need us to-" Tripp freezes as his eyes take in the scene. Inhumanly fast, his gun is out of its holster and pointed at Laken.

    "Hell no, what are you doing here?" he screams, pushing Lucas away with a firm hand on the chest. Laken's heart drops into her stomach, eyeing down the barrel of the gun. She winces, eyes closed as she takes a deep breath.

    "Tripp, stop. I just found her in the woods, she's alone," Lucas pleads.

    "That's what she says. You'd believe anything a pretty girl says," Tripp snarls, his eye focused down the sight.

    "Where's DJ?" Tripp asks harshly. Laken shakes her head furiously.

    "I- I lost her. I'm alone, I swear," she stutters.

    "Bullshit. She wouldn't leave you." 

    "She didn't; we got separated. I don't know where she is."

    "Liar! Where is she?!" Tripp screams. Tears form in Laken's eyes, no matter how hard she tries to remain strong in front of Tripp.

    "I don't know!" she sobs.

    The screaming has attracted the attention of the rest of the group, who now stand silently in the doorway, watching the scene unfold.

    "Tripp! Look at the girl! She's a mess, and she obviously hasn't eaten well. Look at her, man! She's not a threat!" Lucas begs, feeling helpless.

    "We can't trust her, she's with the Elites," Tripp grits through his teeth.

    "I haven't even seen them since the zoo. I swear, I've been by myself," Laken cries. She can't bear to look down the abyssal barrel of Tripp's gun. Tears continue to flow from her eyes, and she's given up trying to hold them back. She figures the fear of death is a reasonable excuse to cry.

    "You couldn't make it out there by yourself for that long," Tripp snorts.

    "I swear," she says, looking up at him with tear soaked eyes.

    "We should just imprison her. She can't be trusted," Tripp demands, clutching the gun harder in his hand.

    "No! That's ridiculous!" Todd yells, feeling a sudden burst of courage to stand up against Tripp. Laken glances quickly to the skinny boy, who has taken a few steps forward, his dark eyes alight with concern and fear.

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