Chapter 8 - Olivia

Start from the beginning

"...not even with Abby?"

I stopped...I could feel Lee watching my every move so he can analyze my reaction accordingly.

"I don't know what I feel for Abby. She's been my best friend for so long but it's not the same. It's not like Shann or Angie or's different."

"Wanna know what I think?"

"You're gonna tell me either way..." I muttered.

"I think you love her," he said confidently. His cocky ass has probably been waiting forever to say that.

"You just haven't realized it yet. And I'm not just saying that because Jon and I want you two together because come. the. fuck. on. How fucking precious would it be if after you two set up your best gays together that you guys would end up together? GAH! I DIE!"

"Oh my god. What the hell are you even talking about?!" I laughed hysterically because he's so goddamn extra all the time!

"Babe, come on! Think about it! You've LOVED 'Abby Ricci' since we first saw her perform! We were obsessed! You listened to the cast recording of the album on repeat for forever, you stage doored even when you didn't watch the fucking show, and you saw her perform at least 5 times in that damn musical! You've loved her since the moment you heard her sing and you haven't stopped!!!"

My brow furrowed and I really thought about it. I thought back to the version of myself Lee was describing and he was right, I really loved "Abby Ricci" from the moment I heard her sing, but no! That was the Abby Ricci the rest of the world loved I thought I was just fangirling or something. I downed the rest of the wine in the bottle. Could Lee be right? Even if he was, I would never fuck up my friendship with Abby just to see if we would work as a couple. Abby means too much to me.

"You ready to go?" I asked. I stood up and dusted off my bottom.

"Yes, I am, Mrs. Ricci!" Lee teased.

Jesus Christ this is never going to end.

"You better cut that shit out. I don't want this becoming a thing."

"I don't want this NOT becoming a thing," he answered back.

"...she is really hot though..." I laughed and we walked to the car to take us to our next destination.


"Are you gonna take a nap before the show tonight?" Angie asked.

I was lost in my own head after what Lee and I talked about earlier. Rethinking everything that ever happened between Abby and I. We used to double date...Lucas and Monty were friends...I fucking lingered that one time in Hawaii and she was using the outdoor shower though...

"Liv...hellooooo! Are you just not gonna answer my question?" Angie repeated.


"Are you gonna nap before the show? Because if you are I'll come back later to go over all the damn emails you have neglected to answer from home."

"Uhhh...yeah I'm gonna try to."

"Ok....then I'll come back. Weirdo."

I was lying in bed wide awake, I only have two hours and three minutes before I have to head to the venue. Two hours and two minutes left. Where the hell is Abby? She almost always naps before a show. I heard the door to our suite slowly open and in tiptoed the little brunette that's been consuming my mind the last few hours and apparently my heart since I was a teen, even before Lucas was in the picture. Holy shit. Wait, okay, do I love her or do I just have like a crush on her because of all the time we've spent together especially since Monty passed away and I broke up with Lucas. Omg she's coming over here...what do I do? She's taking off her pants, try not to stare....her can someone so tiny have legs that go for days? Oh my god, I said don't least don't make it obvious, Liv!

She crawled into bed next to me and snuggled right up to me.

"Did I wake you?"

"Huh? No...I can't sleep."

"You don't have to take a nap, the whole point is for you to just physically rest before the show."

One hour and fifty-six minutes...god, her skin is so soft and she smells so good. She intertwined both her arms with my right arm and is falling asleep on her side. I drew circles on her arm. I closed my eyes and all I saw was Abby standing with her back towards the sun, her hair blowing in the wind. Her smile warming me up faster than the sun on a cold day and I kissed her. Just a quick kiss on the lips. Like one you give your significant other when you're just looking at each other to show you're present and you see them, you feel them.

I open my eyes up again. Fucking Lee! 

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