"But, you have makeup on and curled your hair."

"So? I still look cute under the makeup and curling wand."

"When we met up last week you had at least ten big old acne. It looked like white chocolate chip cookies on your face." Claudia says with disgust.

I cleared my throat and they looked at me. They whispered something among themselves and I silently prayed that I get out of this mysterious place safe and alive. After what felt line eternity their whispers ceased and they look at me.

"You want to know why we decided to kidnap you." Katherine asks smiling and began to twirl her hair.


"Well we both have our reasons to do this. I'll start. The reason why I decided to do this is because, I still love Liam and regret cheating. I'd been pretty down and emotional after he broke up with me. One day I was just roaming on his Instagram page and what did I see? I saw him posing with a girl on not one but, two photos.
And who was the girl?"

She strolls in front of me and tip my forward up so, I can see her face. "You. Out of every human on the fucking earth it was you. And you know what piss me off the most? The fact that you lied to me when I was in your room. I warned you to leave him alone and stay away from them. You denied that you had any good interaction with him. 'We're not even friends' you said. you lied to me and i'm going to plant revenge on your ugly ass."

I can't believe this. The reason why she brought me here is because, she's jealous over two friendly photos we took. We weren't even kissing at the photos so, why is she so furious.

"Didn't you cheat on him?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

She walks up to me and spat on my face. Horror was written all over my face. My hands were tied with a rope.
I was ready to spit back at her but, see a gun in her hand. I slowly wipe my face with my shoulder.

"It was an honest mistake. All the guys couldn't take their lips off of me. What can I say? I'm hot."

With jealousy.

"Is that why you knocked the fuck out of me? Over two innocent photos I took with your ex boyfriend?"


I look at Claudia and expect her to tell me her side of the story. I never expected her to be involved in such an evil and violent thing as this. She sat on a chair.

"I'm guessing you want to hear my side of the story. Ok. At the beginning of our friendship I had a crush on you and thought you were cute."I sat uncomfortably on the chair and look everywhere except at her. I hope she knows that I don't swing that way. Even if I did she'd never get the chance after knocking me out.

"When we were at the party in L.A. I was planning to confess to you my feeling towards you but, then I saw you dancing with Liam. You looked happy in his arms. And when you talked about James, you seemed happy. That's when I knew you would never like me that way. Let's move forward.
You began to ignore my texts When I wanted to talk to you. When I came to your house to apologize to you, you were insulting me. You also let Liam say stuff about me." she yells in anger.

I was frightened by her wild eyes. I never saw her this angry. She looked possessed and different.

"After I let his father have an affair with my mother, Liam bullied me at school. Him and his friends would make my school life a living hell that I had to be home schooled.I promised to set a revenge on the bastard and you seem like a gem."

There was silence.

"Is that why?" I asked.

"Yeah." Claudia says sighing exhausted by her explanation.

Living with the Badboy🌹 l (BWWM) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora