Chapter Nine

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I was torn between inviting her in and leaving her in the car. She was only seventeen, for Christ's sake. This was hardly the place to bring her to.

Hell, she was only two years younger than I was. I could keep her safe.

We turned into George's driveway. I knew I shouldn't be there. What if she doesn't approve? I know what I did was wrong, but I'd never really thought twice about it.

"You should have told me it was going to be a party," she whined as she dusted some eyeshadow on her eyelids and peered into the mirror of my car.

"You're hot, babe, now come on," I assured her. And she was hot. Her tank top clung to her her stomach. It left a small space above the top of her tightly fitting jeans bare, and her smooth, tanned skin made me think rude thoughts. Her blonde hair contrasted well with her skin; her blue eyes shone. The necklace hung outside of her tank top. I watched her as she slowly swept her hair behind her and dropped the large cross in between her cleavage. My gaze stayed on her chest for an extra moment, only to be interrupted by George's loud mouth.

"Blade! You crazy mother fucker! Good to see you!" He exclaimed, already drunk and proably buzzing.

"Aw, shut the hell up, George!" I yelled at him. I gave him my friendliest smile to show him I was being sarcastic.

"Who's the lady?" George slurred.

"My name's Cadence," she said nicely, to my surprise.

"Well, hellooo, Cadence. Come on in, babe," he replied before I could warn him. I winced as she drew her fist back and bopped him right I'm the jaw.

"Fuck!" He grimaced, holding his jaw. "Feisty one, isn't she?"

"Something like that," I agreed. "Let's go, I need a drink." We walked up to his house. Unfamiliar music was blaring from an old stereo. There were people all over. Cups were strewn about, some with beer pouring out. I made my way to the keg, and filled myself a cup. I saw Cadence coming, so I quickly poured her a cup, too.

"Sorry about George," I said as I handed her the cup.

"Yeah, me too," she laughed. Her blue eyes sparkled as she grinned at me. She was beautiful. Lust crept down my spine. I grabbed her hand and led her to the living room. Another couple sat on one end of the sofa, tongues down each other's throats. I gestured toward the empty seats, and she sat. I placed myself between her and the drunk couple. She drank from her cup as I silently watched her. The music and chatter from the house party hardly phased me; her beauty captivated me. Mindlessly, I reached up and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

Our eyes met. We held the stare for what seemed like forever. My dark eyes searching her icy blue eyes for one hint of life. Her eyes seemed to be as dead as mine. I wondered what she was thinking. I leaned in so slowly it was almost unnoticeable, but when I got closer, so did she. Her eyes were half closed, her eyelids heavy. I filled the distance between us, placed my hand on her face and pulled her into my kiss.

I poured all of my desire into the kiss. Our lips were dancing, tongues occasionally joining in. My lips tingled with excitement. My hand snuck down from her cheek, sliding its way down to her ass. I squeezed her buttcheek as hard as I could through her jeans. The kissing stopped as she pulled away.

"You're gunna have to get me a lot more drunk than this, love," she teased.

"I didn't come here to get drunk," I admitted. She looked at me, questioning me with her eyes. "Come on then," I urged her. I headed toward George's bedroom, weaving my way through his house trailer filled with people. I knew I'd find him there.

Sure enough, George was sitting at his table, razor in one hand, twenty dollar bill in the other. He was cutting a line as we walked up. I looked over at Cadence, gauging her reaction. Her eyes had widened, then narrowed back to their normal size. She was okay.

"Aye, George, give me a bump," I directed. I rushed over and grabbed the twenty. I plugged my other nostril, and leaned in over the line of cocaine. I sniffed lightly, cleaning up the fine powder. I sniffed harder, letting the excess drop down my throat. "Thanks, man," I said.

"Lemme have one!" Cadence exclaimed. George looked at me. I looked at Cadence, studying her. She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. I looked back at George and shrugged. He prepared her line, and taught her how to blow. I felt bad for letting her do this, but what the hell, she deserved some fun, too.

We sat down with George. "So, how did you two meet?"

I chuckled as Cadence blushed and said "Well, I had no place to go, and Blade offered me to stay with him."

"Good ol' Blade, huh?" George amended.

"Keep in' her out of trouble, man," I said. "Where's Zayn?"

"Fuck if I know," George shook his head. "That kid's never where he's supposed to be."

"Who's Zayn?" Cadence interrupted. My body had gone numb. The cocaine had finally gotten into my system, gearing me up for the night ahead. I was buzzing hard. I felt happy. In reality, the drugs were giving me a false sense of well-being. Artificial happiness was the only kind of happiness I was familiar with. Wether it be girls, drugs, or alcohol. When I was on blow, I was like a million bucks. I loved everyone, except those who pissed me off. Those who managed to push me over the edge were mad, because I was a hell of a guy to try to fight. I was invincible.

"A friend of ours," I say, not wanting to get into it right now. "Come on, babe. Let's go dance!"

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