Chapter Three

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"Can I help you?" An attractive British voice questioned. It was a bit raspy; he spoke low and politely.

"Um, I'm really sorry," I bit my lip as I peered in the window. "Some creepy old man was hitting on me and I told him I was meeting my dad. I was, uh, pretending that you were him," I admitted nervously.

"Oh," he chuckled. He was gorgeous. From what I could see in the dark, he had dark hair that hung to one side and a perfect bone structure. "Do you need a ride home or something?" He continued.

I hesitated, "I don't know where home is, exactly." I confessed.

"What do you mean?" The beautiful stranger wondered.

"Well, you see, my mom, uh.. Well, she, uh, kicked me out," I explained. A sympathetic look grew across his face.

"I know how that goes. Do you wanna come to my place? You could stay there, at least until morning. I have an apartment in East town," He offered.

Without thinking twice, I thanked him and opened the passenger door. He grinned and lit up a cigarette. The smoke floated around the car and tickled my nose. Following his lead, I reached in my bag and grabbed my pack of Marlbros.

"Gotta light?" I asked him. He nodded and handed me his lighter. "Thanks," I said after I lit my cigarette.

He took a long drag, and without exhaling the smoke, he replied, "Sure thing, babe."

"It's Cadence," I urged.

"Sure thing, Cadence," he exhaled through a sly grin.

"What's your name?" I questioned.

He glanced at me with disbelief. "You just got into a car with a strange man, and you don't even know his name. You crazy?"

I shrugged. "I've got nothing to lose."



"My name's Blade." He stated.

"Oh," I replied. He reached up and turned the radio on. I didn't know the song that was playing, but he cranked up the volume. I was oddly comfortable, even though I was riding with a stranger named Blade.

What's the worst that could happen? I thought.

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