Chapter 4: Giving It Up

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Blood - My Chemical Romance

I can't control myself because I don't know how. And they love me for it honestly I'll be here for a while. So give them blood, blood; gallons of the stuff. Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough.

*6 months later*

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*6 months later*

"I love you," Anna spoke aloud with a deep emotion behind it. "What does that even mean?" she glanced up to the horizon of endless buildings, blinking a bit in confusion. "What does it mean?" with a confused stare, she glanced back to the quote in her book. "Reading?" Levi inquired, softly walking up behind her. Anna pulled her legs up from the edge of the roof and criss-crossed them as she glanced over at her shoulder at her friend. Her long brown ponytail fell over her shoulder and her bangs just slightly got into her bright blue eyes. "Hey, Levi!" she smiled and pat the roof beside her. "Come sit."

"I see you've bought a new book." he motioned to the stack of papers bound together with a leather cover. Anna smiled at him again. "Hey, now, if you can buy a new tea set, I can buy a new book." she teased. "About that... that tea set was crap. The tea was decent but...when I tried to drink it the handle broke and the scalding tea spilled all over my lap." Anna gasped at the news. "Oh, no! You worked so hard just to scrape up enough money for that!" Levi shook his head. "It's fine."

"I'll buy you a new tea set- and I'll even throw in one of those fancy neck ties you've been eyeing." Levi playfully shook his head at her innocence. "You mean a cravat?" he turned to look at her as her eyes went wide with excitement. "Oooh, that's what it's called?! Yeah, one of those! I'll buy it for you."

"Tch. I'll buy it myself. Don't waste your money." he crossed his arms, then glanced at her book. "What's the name of that story? I can't read the title." Anna smiled, knowing that he couldn't read her native language. She pointed to the Japanese characters on the front, sounding each one out. "E-i-en'-ni-to-mo-ni." she went slowly as to make sure he understood each syllable. "Eien'nitomoni?" he repeated and Anna nodded in excitement. "What the hell did I just say?"

Anna gushed. "'Together forever'," she giggled, to which Levi only rolled his eyes. "How cliché." Anna nudged his shoulder. "Guess what?"

He rolled his eyes and leaned back on his hands. "What?" Anna uncrossed her legs and swung them off the edge again, gently kicking them out. "Today makes 195." she smiled. "What's that number about?"

"It's been that many days since I joined your organization. Wow...time goes by fast." she laughed. She'd become so much stronger and confident since she'd joined the three of them. Her eyes lit up as a lightning bug came up towards them. "Oh... I've never seen one of these in person before..."

"Is its butt a flashlight?" Levi narrowed his eyes. "Mhmm! There's thousands of them up there. This little guy must've flown the wrong way and ended up down here." she held her hand out and let the glowing bug land on her index finger. "Hello," she beamed as it crawled around on her finger. "Think we'll see more of them once we go up there?"

Savoir-Faire ~ Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now