25- ENTRY 1 to 20

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Document 01
Jeongguk is not coping with moving too well. He's basically locked himself in his room but its for the best that this happens. Its for his safety.

Document 02
Jeongguk finally agreed to move and we are going to a place I can't reveal. Anyway I hope Jeongguk likes his new school.

Document 03
We are staying at the new house now. We only had a few boxes of stuff so we didn't have to hire any fancy delivery vans. The new place is smaller than the older one but I'm sure we will be fine. I hope we will be fine.

Document 04
The new neighbour is soooooo annoying! They keep trying to talk to us and are even giving Jeongguk free cookies which I did not let him have because they could have been poisoned or something.

Document 05
He came round again but when I wasn't there and Jeongguk went and unlocked the door for him!!! Hes a teenager now not a little kid, he should have known better. But then when I did come back I don't think Ive ever seen him smile that much in his life. Maybe the new neighbour isn't that bad.

Document 06
After I caught Jeongguk with the new neighbour I shouted at the neighbour and I felt bad so I went over to apologise. He was so nice! And he said he would look after Jeongguk while I was at work which helps a lot because if something did happen then someone could protect him.

Oh and the neighbour is called Kim Seokjin.

Document 07
Jeongguk keeps going over to Seokjin's house and he coming back talking about how they played uno and monopoly and how much fun it was. Im so thankful of our neighbour already. Hopefully from now on life can only get better.

Document 08
I can't believe we have been here for almost a month. This place really feels like home. I could stay here forever.

Document 09
I went shopping I saw Seokjin or as I call him Jin because its funny to see him getting angry for no saying his full name. Anyway we decided to go out and have coffee together. I feel as though I have made a friend for life.

Document 10
Jeongguk went to his new school but he keeps coming back with bruises all over his body. Apparently these guys called Jongin and Kyungsoo beat him up for being dumb and weak. If this carries on then they will be sorry. I trying to put my dark past behind me however if someone touches my brother then they will not get out lightly.

Document 11
Jeongguk isn't coming back to our house after school. I was so getting worried, I rang up the school and everything but it turns out he was staying at Jin's house. I was glad Jeongguk was fine but he really needs to go to school since he's already way bellow all the other students of his age.

Document 12
Jeongguk has now picked up a habit of hiding in Jin's garden when he doesn't want to attend school. Luckily Jin offered to teach Jeongguk lessons though so he doesn't have to see them kids. Im so glad we met Jin and moved here.

Document 13
Jin is such a good teacher! Jeongguk has learned so much! Hopefully this means Jeongguk will turn out better than I did.

Document 14
Jeongguk went missing. Everything was going so well. Please be safe.

Document 15
Me and Jin found Jeongguk passed out in a abandoned building. This blonde kid was next to him, trying to help him wake up. He said that Jongin and Kyungsoo had forced him to drink until he passed out and left him in the building. Im not sure how the blonde kid found him though. He seems suspicious.

Document 16
Jeongguk has recovered from what happened before. Jin has been super helpful in supporting him. I admire him. Hes just so amazing.

Document 17
I think I need to stay away from Jin. I don't want to get too close to him. Everything about him is so likeable and already seems attacked to me and Jeongguk. This is bad because I we will have to move away eventually and I don't want to drag him into anything.

Document 18

Document 19
Jeongguk hates me. I told him that he cant interact with Jin and im having to ground him to stop him going over to Jin's house.

Document 20
I had to go over to Jin's house to get Jeongguk and basically one thing lead to another and I ended up doing something I regret. I kissed him. I am not gay though. It was just a friendly kiss because were friends that is all but I cant involve myself with that style of friendship. I cant get too attached.

(Only took like half a year to come out)

Written date: 26th February 2018
Published date: 1st March 2018

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